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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2021-04-01 13:45:15 | 移动端:小学英语优秀教案



  Gladto see you, dear judges. I am NO.6 candidate apply for primary English teacher.It is great honor for me stand here to show my lesson. My topic is “Don’t talkin the library”. I will begin my presentation.

  Step 1 Lead -in

  T: Helloeveryone. What’s the weather like today?

  S: It'ssunny

  T: Yes.It’s sunny, we feel very warm. So let’s do a warming up, sing a songtogether.”There was a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name, Oh”

  S: Therewas a farmer had a dog And Bingo was his name, Oh B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O AndBingo was his name, Oh.

  T: Wonderful.You all did good jobs. Now I have a task for you. We have been to libraries andbookstores, what’s the similarity and difference between them? (teacher draw atable to compare libraries and book stores). Who wants to try? Lily, please.

  S: Thereare many books and we can read in them.

  T: Good,you got the similarity between them. Who else?

  S: Weshould buy books if we want to take them out of the bookstore. But we shouldborrow books if we want take them out of the library.

  T: Yes,you got the difference between them.

  Step 2 Presentation

  T: Wehave compared the similarity and deference between the library and thebookstore. What should we do when we are in them? Please listen to theconversation, then answer my question.(teacher plays the tape, students listento it). the tape is over, what happened to Daming and Simon? Volunteers? Jane,please.

  S: Theywant to borrow some books from the library. They talked with each other anddidn’t stand in line in the library.

  T: Yougot it. Thanks. Because of their wrong behaviors, so librarians ask them to bequiet and stand in lines. Well, in the conversation there are three importantwords. Look at the blackboard.(teacher write down”line/close/quiet”). what dothey mean?

  S: Wedon’t know.

  T: Itdoesn’t matter. Let’s learn them together. The first one “line”, I will draw apicture instead of its meaning.(teacher draws lines ) Can you guess itsmeaning?

  S: It’s line.

  T: Yes,you are so clever. Read after me. Line line .Look at the second one “close”.Boys and girls, watch my action.(teacher does the action of closed the door).Do you get it?

  S: Closethe door.

  T: Youare so smart. Read after me. Close close. Look at the last one “quiet”. Boysand girls, watch my gesture .(teacher does the gesture put index finger on themouth ). Do you get it?

  S: Bequiet

  T: Marvelous.You got all of them. Read after me. Quiet quiet be quiet. So listen to the tapeagain please, pay attention to their pronunciation.

  Step 3 Practice

  T: Wehave learned new words. I have another task for you. Please cooperate with yourgroups, try to act out the conversation. Let’s vote in the best group. You have8 minutes to prepare. Begin.(students practice the conversation). OK. Time isover, which group wants to try? Group 1, please.

  S: Group1 act out the conversation on the platform.

  T: Thankyou. Please go back to your seats. Did they make good jobs?

  S: Yes.Good.

  T: Let’sinvite another group to give a show to us. Group 4, please.

  S: Group4 act out the conversation on the platform.


  T: Thanks.Students, which group will be our best? Wow, mostly of you vote in group 4. Sogroup 4 is our winner today, their action is vivid. Others also have theirbrilliant performance. Come on .

  Step 4 Production

  T: Wehave known the story of Daming and Simon, I think most of you also have somespecial interesting experiences in libraries and bookstores. Who wants to sharewith us? Kangkang, please.

  S: I saw a very old lady reading books the wholeafternoon in the library last Sunday . It’s so moving.

  T: Terrific.Let’s clap for him. Reading make us feel happy. We should learn to the oldlady, reading everyday.

  Step 5 Summary

  T: So much today, who cansummarize what we have learned? Jim, please.

  S: We have learned three newwords and known how to do in the library.

  T: Very good. Libraries andbookstores belong to public places, we should be quiet and stand in lines inall public place.

  Step 6 Homework

  T: Timeflies. It’s almost over. You all did a good job today, I am so proud of you. Ihave a homework for you.Collect some rules of public place then share with usnext time. Thank you, see you.

  S: See you.

  That’s all my lesson,thanks for your listening.
