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Keynote Speech at the Fifth Xiangshan Forum

国务委员兼国防部长 常万全上将

General Chang Wanquan, State Councilor and Minister of National Defense


November 21, 2014


Ladies and gentlemen,

Dear friends,


Good morning! I am very glad to meet all of you here at Xiangshan. Let me begin by welcoming you all to the Fifth Xiangshan Forum on behalf of China’s Ministry of National Defense and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). I wish to take this opportunity to share with you my views on this topic – China’s armed forces and Asia-Pacific security.


The remarkable growth of China’s comprehensive national power, and the continued progress in national defense modernization, have become a focus of international attention in recent years. First of all, I would like to explain, from both historical and contemporary perspectives, why China has accelerated the modernization drive of its national defense and armed forces.


First, China has learned a bitter lesson from its wretched modern history. The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. As we entered the modern era, however, Chinese people suffered grievously in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society because of the corruption and incompetence of their feudal rulers, coupled with uelenting aggressions of foreign powers. Our people did not become masters of their own destiny until a century later, after a protracted struggle. When it comes to national sovereignty and security, the Chinese give great credence to the adage, “We should not rely on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him.” Therefore, China is firmly determined to promote the modernization of its national defense and armed forces and effectively safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests.


Second, military modernization serves China’s practical need to secure its own territory. China has a vast territory and a large population. Its land borders, mainland and island coastlines are very long indeed. In particular, China has not yet fully realized national reunification. These are all factors which place the Chinese military under heavy pressure in securing the country and its border areas. There is therefore a pressing need for China to strengthen its national defense and armed forces. It should also be noted that to defend our own security is a most direct contribution to the security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.


Third, China has to adapt to the revolution in military affairs. As the revolution in military affairs gains momentum worldwide, every country is dedicating efforts to modernizing its armed forces or conducting various degrees of military reforms. At present, the Chinese military has yet to become fully mechanized and its application of information technology is still at an early stage. It lags far behind those advanced military forces elsewhere in the world. A decision to strengthen the reform of China’s national defense and armed forces was adopted at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Mindful of the goal of building a strong military, we are now exerting ourselves to develop a system of modern military force with Chinese characteristics. This is a sure choice that China has made in keeping with the times.


Fourth, military modernization serves the overall interests of China’s reform, opening up and development. China initiated the historic process of reform and opening up in the late 1970s. The Chinese military, committed to serving the larger goals of reform and development, has made a unique contribution to China’s economic takeoff. Since the beginning of the new century, China’s armed forces have benefited from the country’s economic growth and stepped up their efforts to pursue modernization. The move is mainly intended to ensure the balanced development of national defense and the economy, and provide a more effective safeguard to China’s economic and social development as well as its expanding overseas interests. It should be noted that China has not changed the basic state policy of taking economic development as the central task. Its military growth has always been kept at a reasonable level.


Fifth, China is under an obligation to work together with other countries to cope with

non-traditional security threats. In recent years, the threats of terrorism, separatism and extremism have mounted, in addition to frequent and major natural disasters and new challenges to the security of sea lines of communication. Such non-traditional security issues have become the common concern of all countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Against this backdrop, we have attached greater importance to the employment of armed forces in peacetime. It has shouldered increasing international obligations in areas such as UN peacekeeping, international anti-terrorism, commercial vessel protection, international disaster relief, and humanitarian assistance. Accelerating the modernization of national defense and armed forces will also enable China to come up with a better response to the various security challenges in collaboration with other countries and live up to its role as a responsible major country.


Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,


The world today is undergoing major developments, changes and adjustments. The global trends toward multipolarity and economic globalization are deepening. Cultural diversity is increasing, and an information-based society is fast emerging. The security landscape in the Asia-Pacific region is largely stable. As they depend on each other for security and development, countries in the region have formed a community of common destiny in which they will prosper or decline together.


Last May, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward an Asian security concept that calls for common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. While expressing hope that Asian countries advance common security in the spirit of inclusiveness and cooperation, he welcomed the participation of other countries concerned. The concept offered a new vision for Asia-Pacific countries to cope jointly with security challenges. The Chinese military will uphold this concept as a participant and promoter of international security cooperation. It is willing to develop an approach to Asian security alongside the armed forces of other countries that features joint efforts, shared benefits and win-win results.

第一,妥善处理敏感争议问题,致力维护共同安全。国与国之间有些争议是正常的,关键是要加强管控,有效预防和化解危机。在陆上,中国军队设有64个边防部队边境会谈会晤站,2013年与邻国举行会谈会晤2000余次;中国与印度共同推进落实《中印边防合作协议》,维护中印边境地区和平与安宁。在海上,中国海军已与越南海军举行16 次北部湾联合巡逻,中方目前正与东盟国家探讨建立防务直通电话。不久前,中美两国国防部签署了关于建立重大军事行动相互通报信任措施机制和关于海空相遇安全行为准则两个谅解备忘录。正是这些积极务实举措,使我们共同维护了地区的和平与稳定,为各自国家发展最大限度地营造了良好氛围。

First, for the sake of common security, China has dealt with sensitive disputes in an appropriate fashion. It is to be expected that disputes will arise between nations. The key is to strengthen management and effectively prevent and resolve crises. Along its land borders, the Chinese

military has set up 64 border defense force meeting venues, where in 2013 alone more than 2,000 meetings were held with neighboring countries. China and India have jointly implemented their Border Defense Cooperation Agreement to maintain border peace and stability. As far as naval cooperation is concerned, the Chinese Navy has conducted 16 joint patrols in the Beibu Gulf with the Vietnamese Navy. China is also exploring the possibility of opening a defense hotline with the ASEAN countries. Only recently, China’s Ministry of National Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense signed two memorandums of understanding on Notification of Major Military Activities Confidence-building Measures Mechanism and The Rules of Behavior for Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters. With these practical moves and more, we have contributed to regional peace and stability and done our utmost to create a positive environment for the development of all countries in the region.

第二,持续开展地区安全对话,促进合作安全。我们始终致力于与各方进行坦诚深入的对话沟通,推动创造亚太防务安全合作的最大公约数。目前,中方已与26 个国家建立防务安全磋商对话机制。近年来,中方与50 多个国家举行了80多场以反恐、救灾等为主题的联合演习和训练。中国防务部门和军队积极参与地区多边安全合作,在上海合作组织、东盟地区论坛、东盟防长扩大会等多边安全机制中发挥了重要作用。我们正在举行的香山论坛,就是中国军队推进安全对话与合作的一个例证。

First, for the sake of common security, China has dealt with sensitive disputes in an appropriate fashion. It is to be expected that disputes will arise between nations. The key is to strengthen management and effectively prevent and resolve crises. Along its land borders, the Chinese military has set up 64 border defense force meeting venues, where in 2013 alone more than 2,000 meetings were held with neighboring countries. China and India have jointly implemented their Border Defense Cooperation Agreement to maintain border peace and stability. As far as naval cooperation is concerned, the Chinese Navy has conducted 16 joint patrols in the Beibu Gulf with the Vietnamese Navy. China is also exploring the possibility of opening a defense hotline with the ASEAN countries. Only recently, China’s Ministry of National Defense and the U.S. Department of Defense signed two memorandums of understanding on Notification of Major Military Activities Confidence-building Measures Mechanism and The Rules of Behavior for Safety of Air and Maritime Encounters. With these practical moves and more, we have contributed to regional peace and stability and done our utmost to create a positive environment for the development of all countries in the region.

第三,积极提供公共安全产品,谋求综合安全。当前,安全挑战的关联性、跨国性、综合性日益突出,国际公共安全产品的需求不断上升。2002年以来,中国军队执行国际紧急人道主义援助任务39次,向30个受灾国运送总价值超过13亿元人民币的救援物资。2008年底以来,中方连续派出18批舰艇编队赴亚丁湾、索马里海域,为近6000艘中外船只提供护航;中国是联合国安理会常任理事国中派遣维和部队最多的国家, 迄今累计派出军队超过2.7万人次,目前中国维和部队2027 名官兵正在9个联合国维和任务区执行任务;为应对肆虐西非地区的埃博拉疫情,中国军队先后派出近300名医护人员赴疫区工作,在塞拉利昂建立埃博拉患者留观中心,并即将在利比里亚建成100 张床位的诊疗中心,为抗击埃博拉疫情做出了应有贡献。

Third, China has been active in providing public security goods in pursuit of comprehensive security. As security challenges become increasingly interconnected, transnational and comprehensive, there has been a rising demand for public goods in the global security filed. Since 2002, the Chinese military has carried out 39 international emergency humanitarian assistance

operations. It has shipped more than 1.3 billion yuan ($212 million) in aid materials to 30 disaster-ridden countries. Since the end of 2008, China has dispatched 18 naval task forces to the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia. These have provided an escort to almost 6,000 Chinese and foreign ships. China has contributed more peacekeeping troops than any other permanent member of the UN Security Council - a total of more than 27,000. Currently, 2, 027 Chinese peacekeepers are working with nine UN peacekeeping missions. In order to cope with the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa, the Chinese military has sent almost 300 doctors and nurses to epidemic-affected areas. It has built an Ebola holding-center in Sierra Leone and will soon complete the construction of a 100-bed Ebola treatment center in Liberia. This represents a humble contribution to the fight against the deadly virus.

第四,深化防务领域务实合作,助力可持续安全。军队是国家安全的柱石,一个国家安全与否、能否实现可持续安全,很大程度上取决于其维护自身安全的能力。中国军队积极为其他国家尤其是发展中国家军队建设,提供力所能及的帮助,着眼于受援国军队的长远发展需求,重在提高其维护国家安全的整体能力水平。自2003 年以来,我们为130 多个国家培训了各类军事人员3万余人,每年还向一些发展中国家提供军事物资援助,这些援助不附加任何政治条件,相当一部分用于军校、军队医院等基础设施建设。

Fourth, China has reinforced results-oriented defense cooperation to boost sustainable security. The armed forces constitute the cornerstone of national security. Whether a country is secure and whether its security is sustainable hinge on its ability to protect itself. The Chinese military has, to the best of its abilities, helped other countries, especially developing countries, to strengthen their armed forces. While taking into account the long-term development of these countries’ armed forces, it focuses on improving their overall capability to safeguard national security. Since 2003, China has trained more than 30,000 military personnel for over 130 countries. It also assists other developing countries every year by providing military aid with no political strings attached. Much of this material is used for the construction of such infrastructure as military academies and hospitals.


Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,


While Asia-Pacific security cooperation looks promising, we still have a long way to go to secure our region. All countries should work in concert for its peace, stability and enduring prosperity. 我们倡议,进一步加强争议管控,不断提高危机处理能力。我们主张以亚太地区和平稳定大局为重,在尊重历史事实和国际法的基础上,通过谈判协商妥善解决争议。各有关方面应建立顺畅高效的管控机制,提高危机处理能力,防止争议升级。中国军队愿与各方一道,用多形式、各层级的联络机制,及时沟通信息,妥善处置相关问题。

We call for further strengthening of dispute management procedures to improve our ability to cope with crises. We believe that peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region should be put at the top of the agenda. Disputes should be resolved through negotiations with full respect to historical facts and the international law. The parties concerned should establish accessible and efficient dispute management and control mechanisms, refine their capacity to deal with crises, and prevent disputes from escalating. The Chinese military stands ready to seek appropriate solutions to relevant issues in collaboration with other parties by sharing information in a timely manner through a variety of liaison mechanisms at different levels.
