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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-05-22 11:12:04 | 移动端:豫剧唱词语言形式与节奏律动研究

豫剧唱词语言形式与节奏律动研究 本文关键词:豫剧,唱词,律动,节奏,形式

豫剧唱词语言形式与节奏律动研究 本文简介:摘要  豫剧唱词语言艺术研究  豫剧与京剧、越剧、黄梅戏和秦腔并称全国五大戏曲剧种。不仅流行于中原地区,在其兴盛之时,还流传至全国二十多个省份。豫剧剧本唱词是豫剧表演的基础,好的剧本是优秀剧目的灵魂。本文以《豫剧精华》以及豫剧的经典剧目为研究对象,运用艺术语言学、语言风格学以及接受修辞学等相关理论知

豫剧唱词语言形式与节奏律动研究 本文内容:

  摘 要











  Henan Opera along with the Beijing, Shaoxing, Huangmei and Shanxi Operas was consideredone of the five major Chinese drama operas Not only popular in Henan, at the time of itsprosperity, it also spread to over 20 provinces throughout the country The script lyrics of HenanOpera are the basis of Henan Opera performances, and good scripts are the soul of good plays Thisthesis takes "The Essences of Henan Opera" and the classic operas of Henan Opera as researchobjects Combining related theoretical knowledge such as linguistic arts, linguistic stylistics,communication and rhetoric It studies the language of Henan Opera's lyrics in six chapters, andexplores the language arts of excellent lyrics of Henan Opera, in order to provide reference andinspiration for the creation of a new Henan Opera

  The first chapter mainly introduces the general situation of Henan Opera, explains theresearch object and the reasons for selecting the topic, sketches the research status of the topic, andpoints out the research methods, research significance, and innovation of the thesis

  The second chapter mainly introduces the dialect features of Henan Opera’s lyrics, which isthe vitality of Henan Opera From the two aspects of lyrics language, tones, nouns, verbs,adjectives, and adverbs in Chinese vocabulary; the seven small parts are analyzed in detail, and thelocal characteristics of the lyrics in Henan Opera are explored

  The third chapter mainly introduces the linguistic form and the rhythm pattern of HenanOpera’s lyrics, which is the most basic part of the singing and speaking literature From the aspectsof the rhythm, the rhyme method, the use of lacquer words, and the variation of the "Ba" sentence,the paper analyzes the lyrics of the Henan Opera and finds out the concrete structure of the rhymeof Henan Opera lyrics

  Chapter IV mainly analyzes the linguistic style of Henan Opera’s lyrics Firstly, by using thehorizontal contrast method, we discover the differences among the Henan Beijing, Shaoxing,Huangmei and Shanxi Operas, and analyze the reasons This will reveal the countrified, wild,simple, and humorous styles of Henan Opera’s lyrics From the perspective of accepting rhetoric,chapter IV also analyzes the reasons for the formation of the language style of Henan Opera

  In the fifth chapter, based on the analysis of the artistic language of Henan Opera’s lyrics, thepaper points out the problems existing in the lyrics language: over-prosperity, modernization, andlack of interest; and gives some suggestions for the creation of new dramas in terms of linguistics

  The sixth chapter mainly summarizes the research on the language art of Henan Opera, andpoints out the significance and deficiencies of the thesis’ writing

  Key Words: Henan Opera lyrics, dialect features, rhythm and rhyme, linguistic styles

  目 录

  1 绪论

  1.1 豫剧简介

  1.1.1 豫剧发展历程


  到中华民国时期,河南梆子进入成熟期。1914 年,一个叫义成班的戏班,进入了开封羊市街普庆茶社演出(普庆茶社,是当时的茶园兼戏院的娱乐场所)。这次演出,是豫剧发展史上的重要转折,标志着梆子戏正式进入城市戏院,此后梆子戏的影响不断扩大。


  1.1.2 豫剧流派





  1.1.3 豫剧经典曲目
  1.2 选题缘由
  1.3 研究对象
  1.4 研究现状
  1.4.1 地方戏语言的研究现状
  1.4.2 豫剧唱词语言的研究现状
  1.5 研究方法和研究意义
  1.5.1 研究方法
  1.5.2 研究意义

  2 豫剧唱词语言的方言特征

  2.1 语音调配,突出地方特色
  2.2 词汇选择,彰显中原文化
  2.2.1 动词选用,土气传神
  2.2.2 名词贯穿,贴近生活
  2.2.3 形容词选择,准确鲜明
  2.2.4 副词穿插,直白如话

  3 豫剧唱词语言形式与节奏的律动

  3.1 合辙押韵,韵情相连
  3.1.1 唱段简短,一韵到底
  3.1.2 韵脚选择,突出情感
  3.1.3 时代不同,用韵有别
  3.2 旋律生动,节奏灵活
  3.3 衬词使用,增强唱词韵文特征
  3.3.1 语气类衬词,协调节律
  3.3.2 摹音类衬词,美化声音
  3.3.3 拖腔类衬词,强化情感
  3.4 “把”字句变异,丰富唱词的韵律特征
  3.4.1 豫剧唱词“把”字句的四种类型
  3.4.2 豫剧唱词“把”字句韵律作用的具体表现

  4 豫剧唱词独特的语言风格

  4.1 与南方剧种语言的比较
  4.1.1 豫剧与越剧语言风格的差异
  4.1.2 豫剧与黄梅戏语言风格的差异
  4.2 与北方其他剧种唱词语言的比较
  4.2.1 豫剧与京剧语言风格的异同
  4.2.2 豫剧与秦腔语言风格的差异
  4.3 豫剧唱词独特的语言风格
  4.3.1 土气野性,粗犷豪放
  4.3.2 文白相间,简洁通俗
  4.3.3 诙谐滑稽,妙趣横生
  4.4 豫剧唱词独特语言风格形成的缘由
  4.4.1 豫剧表达主体的主观性
  4.4.2 豫剧接受主体的局限性
  4.4.3 语境对豫剧语言风格的影响

  5 豫剧唱词存在的问题及建议

  5.1 豫剧唱词存在的问题
  5.1.1 过于散文化、现代化的语言了无韵味
  5.1.2 呆板冗长的唱词,缺乏趣味
  5.2 豫剧新剧创作的几点建议
  5.2.1 融入方言,丰富韵味
  5.2.2 增强趣味,雅俗共赏
  5.2.3 了解受众,紧跟时代

  6 结语


豫剧唱词语言形式与节奏律动研究  来源:网络整理

