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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-05-15 11:35:39 | 移动端:在线互动对消费者行为意向的作用机理

在线互动对消费者行为意向的作用机理 本文关键词:在线,互动,机理,意向,消费者

在线互动对消费者行为意向的作用机理 本文简介:摘要  网络购物情境下在线互动对消费者行为意向的影响研究  现如今,人们网络购物的形式逐渐由PC端向移动端转移。移动端购物模式使随时随地购物成为了现实,但由于互联网本身的虚拟性特征,信息不对称现象一直是在线购物发展的阻碍因素。买卖双方拥有不均匀的信息,在线商家在信息拥有上处于绝对优势的地位。消费者通

在线互动对消费者行为意向的作用机理 本文内容:



  现如今,人们网络购物的形式逐渐由 PC 端向移动端转移。移动端购物模式使随时随地购物成为了现实,但由于互联网本身的虚拟性特征,信息不对称现象一直是在线购物发展的阻碍因素。买卖双方拥有不均匀的信息,在线商家在信息拥有上处于绝对优势的地位。消费者通过商家传递的信息无法准确甄别产品的质量,从而产生较多的不确定性。网络购物环境中的各种不确定性仍是影响消费者购买决策的关键因素,而想要降低消费者的不确定性感知,提高消费者的购买转化率,在线商家应致力于减弱买卖双方交易过程的不对称现象。在线互动作为一种质量信号,通过各种表现形式向消费者传递产品的质量信息,弥补了信息不对称问题带来的缺陷,影响着消费者的感知和行为。因此本研究将在线互动作为研究主题,以探讨其对消费者行为意向的作用机理。




  接着借鉴国内外成熟的量表设计出本研究的问卷,向近期有过网购经历的人群发放。然后根据收回的问卷数据,利用 AMOS 220 构建结构方程模型,对理论模型中的路径关系进行分析,验证之前提出的假设。最终得出的主要结论如下:







  Nowadays, people's forms of online shopping has gradually shifted from PC tomobile The mobile shopping model makes shopping a reality anywhere and anytime

  However, due to the virtual nature of the Internet itself, information asymmetry hasalways been an obstacle to the development of online shopping Buyers and sellers haveuneven information, online merchants are in the position of information superiority

  consumers can not accurately identify the quality of products, which will lead to greatuncertainties The uncertainties in the online shopping environment are still the keyfactors affecting consumers' purchasing decisions To reduce the consumer's uncertaintyperception, online merchants should aim to reduce the asymmetry of the trading process

  As a quality signal, online interaction delivers the quality information of products toconsumers, which makes up for the defects caused by information asymmetry andaffects consumers' perception and behavior Therefore, this paper takes onlineinteraction as the research topic to explore its mechanism of action on consumers'

  behavioral intention

  Online interaction is the core element of the relationship between merchants andconsumers, and has always been the focus of scholars' research From previous studies,few scholars have explored the boundary conditions of online interaction effects Guoguoqing (2012), Zhang chubing (2016) etc also pointed out the blank of the regulatingfunction in the interactive research Online interaction is the main form for consumers toobtain information Product category is an important variable influencing consumers'

  shopping behavior For different types of products, consumers have different emphaseswhen searching for information Therefore, this paper introduces the adjusting variableof product category to verify the difference in the effect of online interaction underdifferent product categories

  Based on the review and summary of online interaction, perception uncertainty,product category, information asymmetry theory and other literatures, this paperconstructs a theoretical model with online interaction as the independent variable,perceived uncertainty as the mediator, behavioral intention as the dependent variable,and product category as the regulatory variable,the online interaction is divided intofour dimensions, namely controllability, richness, responsiveness, and mutual assistance

  then designing the questionnaire of this study by referring to the mature scale at homeand abroad, and distributed to people who had been shopping online recently Based onthe collected questionnaire data, AMOS 220 was used to construct the structuralequation model, and the path relationship in the theoretical model was analyzed toverify the hypothesis The main conclusions are as follows:

  (1) Online interaction has a significant negative impact on consumers' productperception uncertainty; Consumers' perception of uncertainty has significant negativeinfluence on behavioral intention; Online interaction has a significant positive effect onconsumers' behavioral intention

  (2) The uncertainty of commodity perception plays a part of intermediary role inthe relationship between controllability, richness, responsiveness, reciprocity andconsumer behavioral intention

  (3) Product category plays a moderating role in the relationship between mutualassistance and uncertainty of commodity perception Compared with the purchase ofsearch products, when consumers purchase experience products, the mutual assistancehas a stronger impact on the perception of uncertainty of consumers Product categoryhas no moderating effect on the relationship between controllability, richness,responsiveness and uncertainty of commodity perception

  The above conclusions provide effective marketing guidance for online merchants:

  1Online merchants should focus on improving online interaction level, such asoptimizing navigation information and store layout (controllability), providing richpicture text description and small video display (richness), improving customer servicequality (responsiveness) and the communication between consumers module (mutualassistance) 2For different types of products, online merchants should have differentpriorities for investing in interactive resources Online merchants selling searchproducts should focus on the input of rich elements and display rich product attributeinformation; and merchants selling experience products should pay special attention tothe factor of mutual assistance and improve the module of consumer interaction for eachother, so that consumers can share their shopping experience

  Keywords: online shopping; online interaction; perception uncertainty; productcategory


  第一章 绪论

  第一节 研究背景

  网络购物逐渐渗入到人们的生活,已经成为日常不可或缺的一部分。人们网络购物的形式也由 PC 端向移动端转变。消费者可以随时随地实现网络购物,而不再拘泥于电脑端前选购产品。一部移动设备便可以完成购物的整个流程。这种天然的优势使移动端成为网购市场的主要消费场景。据艾瑞咨询的研究显示,2017年我国移动端网购交易额占整体网络购物交易规模的 728%,比去年增长 46 个百分点,继 2015 年超过 PC 端之后,占比持续扩大。企业对移动端的不断发力以及消费者习惯的变化在这种转变中发挥着关键作用。


  为了减弱虚拟环境下信息不对称的影响,各大网络购物平台和商家正共同作出努力以提升消费者的在线购物体验,促进消费者的购买转化。其间许多新的功能得以开发,互动工具也不断得到丰富。近年来视频技术飞速发展,特别是网络直播的广泛应用,给商家带来了新的发力点。不少在线商家抓住了这次技术革新的热潮,充分利用视频直播技术开展互动营销,致力于为消费者创造良好的购物氛围。除此之外,一些移动购物 APP 推出了问答互动的模块。用户可以自由提问,这些问题被随机分配给购买过该产品的消费者,由他们依据使用感受自主作答。

  这种模式丰富了消费者间的互动的形式,促进了消费者间的交流与分享。与此同时,2017 年 3、4 月,阿里巴巴和京东相继成立了 VR 实验室,最终也取得了成效。

  用户带上 VR 设备,便可进入虚拟场景选购商品。虽然虚拟现实技术尚不成熟,还难以得到大规模应用,但 VR、AR 设备有望为移动电商购物体验带来新的变革。


  第二节 研究目的和意义
  第三节 研究内容和方法
  第四节 研究的技术路线及创新之处

  第二章 文献综述

  第一节 移动购物文献综述
  第二节 在线互动文献综述
  第三节 感知不确定性文献综述
  第四节 消费者行为意向文献综述
  第五节 产品类别文献综述
  第六节 理论基础

  第三章 研究假设与模型构建

  第一节 变量的定义
  第二节 研究假设的提出
  第三节 理论模型的构建

  第四章 研究设计

  第一节 研究变量测量量表
  第二节 初始问卷设计
  第三节 预调研

  第五章 实证分析

  第一节 数据的收集、描述与评估
  第二节 信效度检验
  第三节 共同方法偏差检验
  第四节 人口统计学差异性检验
  第五节 结构方程模型分析
  第六节 假设检验结果汇总

  第六章 研究结论与展望

  第一节 研究结论
  第二节 研究启示
  第三节 研究不足与展望


在线互动对消费者行为意向的作用机理  来源:网络整理

