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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-05-15 11:34:54 | 移动端:消费者视角下的乳制品消费替代行为研究

消费者视角下的乳制品消费替代行为研究 本文关键词:乳制品,视角,消费者,消费,研究

消费者视角下的乳制品消费替代行为研究 本文简介:摘要  消费升级下的乳制品消费替代意愿研究  进入经济发展新常态,国内消费升级不断加速。食品消费在国内消费升级中占有重要地位,其中乳制品消费更是表现出了较强的升级趋势。乳制品消费升级的同时也带来了一系列消费替代现象,消费者通过品牌转换、品类替代与渠道迁徙寻求更有品质且更高效的消费。消费升级作为一个复

消费者视角下的乳制品消费替代行为研究 本文内容:

  摘 要



  本文首先系统地回顾了消费升级、消费动机与消费替代的相关文献。并基于需要动机理论构建研究模型与假设,运用 SPSS19.0 与 AMOS20.0 等分析工具进行实证研究。通过预调查,检验问卷信效度水平,修正测量量表;在正式调查中,通过描述性统计、信效度分析验证问卷的有效性;通过独立样本 T 检验和单因素方差分析,检验人口统计变量在消费替代意愿上的差异性;最后通过相关性分析、结构方程分析、回归分析等方法,对研究假设进行验证。本文的研究结论如下:


  2.不同代群的消费替代意愿上存在显著差异。80 后与 90 后的消费替代意愿显著高于 60 后与 70 后,同时 60 后的消费替代意愿中,品牌转换意愿最强;70 后群体中品类替代意愿明显高于品牌转换与渠道迁徙意愿;90 后群体的渠道迁徙意愿最高。







  Under the new normal, domestic consumption upgrading is accelerating. Foodconsumption occupies an important position in the domestic consumption upgrade, andthe dairy consumption shows a strong upgrade trend. The upgrading of dairyconsumption also brings a series of consumption substitution phenomena. Consumerspurse more quality and effective consumption through brand transformation, categorysubstitution and channel migration.As a complex social process, previous studiesfocused on exploring the status quo of consumption upgrading in China from themacro level, but there is no general discussion on the logic of consumption upgradingat the micro level.Therefore, this study focuses on the dairy industry from themicro-level. Taking consumption substitution as the breakthrough point, and based onthe "motivation upgrade - behavior upgrade" research paradigm, to establishconsumption substitution model, to explore the impact mechanism of dairyconsumption substitution behavior. We are committed to clarify the inherent logic ofconsumption upgrading from a micro perspective and grasp the trend of consumptionupgrading.

  This paper first systematically reviews the relevant literature on consumptionupgrading, consumption motivation and consumption substitution. Then construct theresearch model and propose the theoretical hypotheses based on the motivation theory,using SPSS19.0 and AMOS20.0 to conduct empirical research. Through pre-survey,test the reliability and validity level of the questionnaire, and correct the measurementscale; in the formal investigation, verify the validity of the questionnaire and datathrough descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and validity analysis; throughindependent sample T test and ANOVA analysis to test the difference of demographicvariables in the willingness of consumption substitution;through correlation analysis,structural equation analysis and regression analysis to verify hypotheses. The mainconclusions are drawn:

  1. In this study, consumers showed a strong willingness of consumptionsubstitution. Specifically, consumers' brand switching, category substitution, andchannel migration willingness are at the upper-middle level under the consumptionupgrade. Compared to the previous brand switching behavior, category substitutionand channel migration behavior also showed the trend of the future.

  2. Consumers of different generations have significant differences in willingnessof consumption substitution. The willingness of consumption substitution in thepost-80s and post-90s generation are significantly higher than that in the post-60s andpost-70s generation, and the willingness of brand substitution is the strongest in thepost-60s group.The post-70s have the highest willingness to substitute category, andthe post-90s have the highest willingness of channel migration.

  3. Environment stimulation and marketing stimulation have a significant positiveimpact on consumption substitution willingness.The more stronger the guiding role ofconsumption environment and marketing stimulation, the more stronger theconsumption substitution willingness.

  4. It is found that utilitarian motivation and hedonic motivation play mediatingrole in the environment stimulation, marketing stimulation and consumptionsubstitution willingness, that is, the impact of environment stimulation andconsumption stimulus on consumption substitution willingness would need to berealized through consumption motivation.

  5. Intergenerational differences play a moderating role between consumptionmotivation and consumption substitution willingness. The consumption substitutionwillingness of the older generation is mainly driven by utilitarian motivation. While thethe consumption substitution willingness of younger generation is mainly driven by thehedonic motivation.

  Based on the above conclusions, this paper propose the following managementsuggestions: The government should strengthen policy support, encouragetechnological innovation, and cultivate consumption hot spots, in order to create goodconsumption environment.Enterprises need to formulate effective marketing strategies,create consumption scenarios, promote category innovation and quality upgrading,aswell as to continuously improve the usefulness and ease of use of online channels.

  What is more important is to identify the relevant customer segments and understandtheir needs and establish accurate user profiles.Tap and create consumer demand, guideconsumption and pursue a better life.

  Key words: Consumption upgrading; Consumption motivation; Consumptionsubstitution; Intergenerational differences; Dairy products.

  目 录

  第一章 绪论

  第一节 研究背景

  经过半个多世纪的高速发展,消费在推动我国经济发展中的地位日益提高,成为主导我国经济发展的关键因素,消费升级也随之成为当下的研究热点。消费的不断升级,居民消费水平显著提高,消费层次与消费方式不断提升,消费热点更迭加速。具体表现为温饱型消费逐渐转向享受型消费,2017 年我国恩格尔系数为 29.3%,趋近国际富足标准,人均教育文化娱乐支出比例、人均保健、医疗等的支出比例均显著提高;物质型消费逐渐转向服务型消费,居民生活水平越来越高,开始注重享受有质量的生活,在旅游、健身、信息等新型服务上的消费支出显著提高;品质消费不断 升级,中高端品牌增长势头强劲,品类购买更加丰富;多渠道环境不断优化,在线渠道发展态势良好,2017 年全国网上零售额达到 7.18万亿元人民币,同比增长 32.2%;消费越来越成为一种社会沟通,消费者对于消费潮流的追捧速度切换加快,也催生出越来越多新的消费客群。


  由于居民食品消费往往支出弹性小、习惯效应强,故在国内消费升级中占有重要地位,其中乳制品更是表现出了较强的升级趋势。随着国内居民收入水平的不断提高、公众健康意识的不断增强,乳制品在居民膳食结构中的地位日益提高,相关数据显示,目前食用乳制品在城市居民中的普及率已达到 95%以上。乳业作为公众关注的焦点行业之一,在消费升级的背景下释放出巨大的替代潜力。伴随着多元化的消费需求升级,消费行为也呈现升级趋势并伴随着一系列的消费替代行为。消费者通过重新选择品牌、品类以及消费方式以寻求更有品质的产品与更有效率的消费方式:高端白奶增长势头强劲,“洋奶粉”替代国产奶粉趋势依旧显著,各细分品类表现良好,酸奶、奶酪成为新的增长热点。与此同时各类跨境电商与海淘平台高速发展,多渠道消费环境已然形成。替代性消费行为即消费者寻找替代品和替代方式来满足必要的消费需求的行为,由于其替代本质,一定程度上代表了需要消费升级的发展方向,也为市场带来巨大机遇。



  第二节 研究意义
  第三节 研究内容与技术路线
  第四节 研究方法
  第五节 创新之处

  第二章 理论基础与文献综述

  第一节 理论基础
  第二节 消费升级文献回顾
  第三节 消费动机文献回顾
  第四节 消费替代文献回顾
  第五节 代际差异文献回顾
  第六节 本章小结

  第三章 模型构建与研究假设

  第一节 模型构建
  第二节 变量界定
  第三节 研究假设
  第四章 研究设计
  第一节 问卷设计
  第二节 问卷前测
  第三节 问卷修改与完善

  第五章 数据分析与模型检验

  第一节 样本特征分析
  第二节 信度与效度检验
  第三节 人口统计变量差异分析
  第四节 模型分析与假设检验

  第六章 结论与建议

  第一节 研究结论
  第二节 政策建议与管理启示
  第三节 不足与展望


消费者视角下的乳制品消费替代行为研究  来源:网络整理

