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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-05-11 10:03:28 | 移动端:小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合问题分析

小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合问题分析 本文关键词:体质,小学生,分析,体育,健康

小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合问题分析 本文简介:摘要  小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合实施路径研究  近年来,青少年体质健康问题备受社会关注,国家及各级政府也就目前青少年学生体质健康状况,出台了相应的政策和措施,并将青少年体质健康促进工程上升至国家战略,全面推进青少年学生体质健康的改观和提升。但是,目前仅仅依靠学校力量来促进学生的体质健康状况是

小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合问题分析 本文内容:

  摘 要



  本研究主要采用文献资料法、调查法及数理统计法等方法,对石家庄市主城区 5 所小学在学生体质健康促进方面,“家校体育结合”目前的实施现状进行了调查,深入探析了家长、体育教师及学生对“家校体育结合”的认识及参与情况,详细了解目前学校“家校体育结合”的实践形式、具体的实践情况及影响“家校体育结合”的因素,发现其中存在的问题与不足,结合调查结果,根据 Swap 提出“家庭-学校伙伴关系”理论,建构了小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合实施路径。


  目前家校体育结合的主要形式有“家长会”、“亲子活动”、“家庭作业”及“书信或电子通信”等,但流于形式;家校结合活动频率不高,缺乏针对性;微信、QQ 等交流平台和家长会是家长了解学生最常用的沟通方式,电话是体育教师向家长反馈信息最常用的沟通方式,但家长反馈过于被动,沟通频率低,沟通缺乏有效性。




  关键词: 小学生体质健康;家校体育;实施路径


  In recent years, teenagers'physical health has attracted much attention from thesociety. The state and governments at all levels have also promulgated correspondingpolicies and measures to promote teenagers' physical health. The project of promotingteenagers'physical health has been upgraded to the national strategy to promote theimprovement of teenagers' physical health in an all-round way. However, it is far fromenough to rely solely on the strength of schools to promote the physical health ofstudents. It also needs the participation of families and society, especially the familyplays a very important role in promoting the physical health of primary schoolstudents, mainly in the primary school students have a strong dependence on theirparents. Sex, family education will have a profound impact on children's futuredevelopment. However, at present, family education is mainly reflected in thepromotion of students'personal qualities and the level of students' schoolwork. It doesnot pay much attention to their physical health and lacks the guidance ofstudents'health thoughts, which leads to the lack of family physical education andeven affects the development of school physical education. Therefore, thecombination of home school sports will further promote students' physical health.

  This research mainly uses the methods of literature, investigation, interview,Delphi and mathematical statistics to investigate the current implementation status of"home-school sports integration" in students'physical health promotion in fourprimary schools in Shijiazhuang main urban area, and probes into the parents,physical education teachers and students' home-school sports. Based on theunderstanding and participation of the integration of education and physical education,this paper makes a detailed understanding of the current practice form, the specificpractice situation and the factors affecting the integration of home-school physicaleducation, finds out the existing problems and shortcomings, and puts forward thetheory of "family-school partnership" according to Swap's findings, and constructs asmall school. The combination of family and school sports is the way to promote students' physical health.

  The results show that:

  At present, the main forms of home school sports are "association", "parent andchild activities", "homework" and "correspondence or electronic communication", butnot in the form.He said that the combined activities of home schools are not high infrequency and lack of focus.The communication platforms such as wechat and QQand parents' meetings are the most commonly used ways for parents to understandtheir students, and the telephone is the most commonly used way for sports teachersto communicate with their parents, but parental feedback is toopassive.Communication frequency is low, communication is not effective.

  Lack of leadership in schools regarding parents' concern for students' health;Hesaid that teachers of physical education have little initiative and knowledge about thestudents' physical health and their performance at home and in school.In addition,parents do not cooperate with the school in promoting students' physical health andare not systematic enough.

  School leaders, physical education teachers, parents and students are majorgroups that influence the integration of physical education in schools;The time factorand the sports consciousness are the main reasons which the parent group influencethe school sports combination;The teacher's professional accomplishment, theformulation and implementation of the sports combination scheme of home school,and the physical education teacher's examination of the combined content of homeschool sports are the main factors that influence the sports combination of homeschool teachers.

  The main problems existing in the combination of home school physicaleducation, which promotes students' physical fitness, include the lack of awarenessand awareness of the combination of home school sports among various groups.Thelack of systematic and consistent integration of physical education in schools;Thecombination of home school sports lacks interaction and interaction.On the existingproblems of the combination of home school sports,This paper puts forward thefollowing path to implement the combination of home school physical education,which promotes the physical health of primary school students.Mutual support for thepromotion of physical health;Common decision-making oriented towards improvedsystems;Home and school study to improve students' physical health.

  Key words: primary;school students;physical health;home;school;sportsimplementation path.

  目 录

  1 文献综述

  1.1 核心概念的界定

  1.1.1 体质健康



  1.1.2 健康促进
  1.2 关于“家校结合”的相关研究
  1.2.1 影响家校结合的因素及改进策略
  1.2.2 实践经验介绍
  1.3 关于家校体育结合的相关研究
  1.4 国外关于家校体育结合方面的研究

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象
  2.2 研究方法
  2.2.1 文献资料法
  2.2.2 调查法
  2.2.3 数理统计法

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合实施的现状调查与分析
  3.1.1 目前关于家校体育结合的基本形式
  3.1.2 关于家校体育结合实践情况的调查
  3.1.3 关于家校体育结合影响因素的调查
  3.2 小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合存在的问题
  3.2.1 各群体对于家校体育结合认识不够意识淡薄
  3.2.2 家校体育结合内容片面缺乏系统性、连贯性
  3.2.3 家校体育结合缺乏互动性和平等性
  3.3 学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合实施路径建构
  3.3.1 创设家校体育结合有效的双向沟通
  3.3.2 以体质健康促进为目的的互相支持
  3.3.3 以完善制度为导向的共同决策
  3.3.4 提高学生体质健康状况的在家与在校的学习



  及“书信或电子通信”等,但流于形式;最主要的家校结合形式是在学校举办运动会、亲子活动、户外拓展等实践活动,但活动频率不高,缺乏针对性;在家校体育结合的沟通上,微信、QQ 等交流平台和家长会是家长了解学生最常用的沟通方式,电话是体育教师向家长反馈信息最常用的沟通方式,但家长反馈过于被动,沟通频率低,沟通缺乏有效性。






小学生体质健康促进的家校体育结合问题分析  来源:网络整理

