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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-05-10 09:46:24 | 移动端:青春不负梦想中英文演讲稿
青春不负梦想中英文演讲稿 关键词:中英文,演讲稿,不负,青春,梦想
青春不负梦想中英文演讲稿 摘 要:青春不负梦想中英文演讲稿  尊敬的老师们,亲爱的同学们:  大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《青春不负梦想》。  Dearteachersandstudents.goodmorning.Thetopicofmyspeechtodayisyouthliveuptodream.  青春,一个多么美好的
青春不负梦想中英文演讲稿 详细内容:



  大家早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《 青春不负梦想》。

  Dear teachers and students.good morning.The topic of my speech today is "youth live up to dream".


  Youth, what a beautiful word. It makes 日常写作好助手【巴哥网】http://www.bagew.com/ us feel as free as the wind and as free as the clouds. But it is fragile and perishable, it will leave us with care.


  In the face of fleeting youth, we must seriously think about such a problem " how should I do with my youth".Tao Yuanming, a poet of the eastern Jin dynasty, once lamented: "the prime year does not come again, a day is difficult to come again in the morning, timely when encouraged, time does not wait for others.We also need to have this sense of urgency, in the age of reading seriously reading, this is not only a requirement, but also a kind of sacred responsibility.Norwegian dramatist Ibsen said, "what is sown in youth is reaped in old age."In the fertile soil of youth, sow a grateful heart, a self-disciplined attitude, a sense of responsibility and a habit of introspection. When the youth savings more ability, let the youth of the beautiful light our future journey.

  马云在一次演讲中说“当你不去拼一份学业,不去过奋斗的生活,整天聊着微信,逛着淘宝,玩着《王者荣耀》,干着我80岁都能做的事,你要青春干嘛?”同学们,无奋斗不青春,青春是用来刻苦的! 叛逆、安逸、没有梦想的青春当然可以,但几年的放纵,换来的可能就是一生的沉重!恰同学少年的你们,在最能学习的时候选择懒惰,在最该追梦的年纪选择虚度,在最能吃苦的青春选择安逸,自恃年少,殊不知青春易逝、韶华倾负,再无少年之时。

  Ma said in a speech: "when you don"t go to a school, don"t go to the struggle of life, all day talking about WeChat, taobao, playing the glory of Kings, doing what I can do 80 years old, why do you want youth?Students, no struggle no youth, youth is used to work hard!Rebellious, comfortable, no dream of youth is okay, but a few years of indulgence, in exchange for may be the heavy life!You are the young students , in the most able to learn when the choice of lazy, in the most the dream of the age to choose to waste, in the most able to endure hardships of the youth to choose the ease of youth, self-reliance on young, but do not know that youth is fleeting, time inclination negative, no teenagers.

  作家龙应台在给儿子的信中这样写到“我要求你读书用功,不是因为我要你跟别人比成绩,而是因为,我希望你将来拥有更多选择的权利,选择有意义、有时间的工作,而不是被迫谋生。”天生我材必有用,但是同样一个工地,你现在不努力读书以后只能搬砖,人家认真读书以后就会做监理,做预算,做项目经理!你那搬砖只能叫活着,别人的才叫生活!等来的是命运,拼来的才是人生! 如果你优秀,你便拥有了大把的选择机会,否则你只能被迫谋生。

  In a letter to his son, the writer long Yingtai wrote, "I ask you to study hard, not because I want you to compare your grades with others, but because I want you to have more choices in the future.Every dog has his day, but the same a construction site,if you do not study hard ,you can only move brick, people study hard will do supervision, do budget, do project manager! You move the brick can only call alive, others is life! Such as the fate, fight is life! If you are good, you have a lot of options, otherwise you are forced to make a living.


  Please don"t be afraid of being young, and don"t choose comfort when you can bear hardships and pursue dreams.Since we dream of being ourselves that others can"t reach, we should choose a path of our own and make efforts that others can"t reach.When you want to give up, you must think about your dream, think of those who sleep later than you, get up earlier than you, run harder than you, talent is higher than you , they have a dream, dream for the horse, and run to the distance you can only look at forever in the morning.In order to let our youth live up to the dream, we should let this beautiful and fleeting youth as the base of our hard work, run to the success .


  That"s all for my speech. Thank you.

青春不负梦想中英文演讲稿  来源:网络整理

