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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-03-27 09:59:12 | 移动端:中职院校专业教师培养问题探究

中职院校专业教师培养问题探究 本文关键词:探究,中职,院校,培养,教师

中职院校专业教师培养问题探究 本文简介:本篇文章目录导航:【题目】中职院校专业教师培养问题探究【绪论】中职教师专业成长相关因素研究绪论【第一章】教师专业发展概念和相关理论基础【第二章】中职物流教师专业发展现状与问题【第三章】中职学校物流教师发展影响因素分析【第四章】中职学校物流教师专业发展的对策【参考文献】中职教师专业发展问题探析结论与参

中职院校专业教师培养问题探究 本文内容:



  摘 要


  关键词:教师专业发展, 影响因素, 中职学校, 物流教师, 教师反思。


  Teachers’ professional is full of wisdom. Teacher is in the education system, which is acomplex system, thus the problem of teacher professional development is a problem that isnot only teachers' personal factors, but also is by the influence of the education system.
  Logistics is the basic industry. Without the support of logistics industry, it is difficult todevelop rapidly for e-commerce and manufacturing industry. Logistics industry cannotdevelop without the support of logistics human resources. Logistics talent is one of the coresof logistics industry development, but talent cultivation is the biggest shortcoming of logisticsindustry.
  The cultivation of logistics talents cannot be separated from the ‘double master’ logisticsteachers who have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The quality oflogistics teachers who is not high, and its structure is not reasonable, thus restricts thecultivation of logistics talents. Therefore, the professional development of logistics teachersbecomes the primary task.
  Under this situation, the paper takes logistics teachers from secondary vocational schoolas research subjects and the paper studies the professional development of logistics teachersin secondary vocational schools. First, the paper investigated the current secondary vocationalschool logistics teachers' professional development present situation. Then the paper analyzedthe problems of logistics teacher's professional development in the secondary vocationalschool at the basis of analyzing teacher professional development theories, secondaryvocational school management theories, adult learning theories, career development planning,logistics management theories and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The paper analyzed theinternal and external factors affecting logistics teachers' professional development and putforward the countermeasures of development of secondary vocational school about logisticsteachers. The results of this paper have some theoretical and practical significance forimproving the professional development ability of logistics teachers in vocational schools, soas to cultivate more urgently needed logistics talents.
  The thesis consists of five parts:
  Part I: introduction. This paper introduces the basis of topic selection, significance andrelated literature. Through consulting the classical literature, it is concluded that the currentresearch on teacher professional development has achieved a lot of achievements, but theresearch is not deep enough. The teacher's main status has not been taken seriously. Then itintroduces the research approaches, research methods and innovation points of the thesis.
  Part two: theoretical basis. This section introduces the definitions of ‘professional’,‘teacher professional development’,‘teacher professional development in vocationalschools’. The structure of teacher professional development is introduced. On the basis ofreading a lot of literature, the author constructs the theoretical framework for analyzing theinfluencing factors of teacher professional development.
  Part three: the professional development status and problem analysis of logistics teachersin vocational schools. Through investigating and interviewing teachers' age, academic degree,confusion, professional confidence, teacher training and enterprise practice, the paper findssome problems in the professional development of teachers.
  Part four: research on the factors that affect the professional development of logisticsteachers. Two factors are studied from inside and outside. Internal factors includeself-development awareness, professional self-confidence and teaching reflection. Externalfactors include in-service training and organizational and environmental factors.
  Part five: the development countermeasure of logistics teacher professional in vocationalschools. The author designed the feasible ways of self-professional development of logisticsteachers and the choice of relevant institutions and schools. The self-development strategy ofteachers is mainly from the three levels, that is transformation of teachers' professionaldevelopment concept, teachers' efforts to create practical opportunities and strengthenreflection. The external promotion strategies include that perfecting the training system ofteacher training and establishing the combination platform of school-enterprise, so as topromote the professional development of logistics teachers in vocational schools.
  Key words: Teacher professional development, Influence factors, Vocational school,Logistics teacher,Teacher reflection.
  目 录

  1 问题的提出 .
  2 研究意义 .
  1 教师专业发展内涵的研究 .
  2 影响教师专业发展的因素的研究 .
  3 促进教师专业发展对策的研究 .
  4 研究文献分析 .

  1 教师专业发展的内涵 .
  2 中职教师专业发展的内涵 .
  1 专业情意
  2 专业知识
  3 专业能力
  1 成人学习理论
  2 需求层次理论 .
  3 教师专业发展影响因素理论
  4 双因素理论
  5 人性假设理论

  1 概念界定
  2 研究方法
  3 调研对象
  1 调查对象的基本情况统计
  2 中职学校教师专业发展现状与问题分析

  1 自主发展意识
  2 职业自信
  3 教师反思
  1 学校教师在职培训
  2 组织、环境因素

  1 转变物流教师专业发展观念
  2 教师努力创造实践机会
  3 加强教师反思
  4 用“物流人”精神促进物流教师专业发展
  1 完善物流教师培养培训工作体系
  2 搭建校企结合平台,促进物流教师专业发展

中职院校专业教师培养问题探究  来源:网络整理

