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来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-03-22 10:15:16 | 移动端:高中物理教学中分层走班的运用探究

高中物理教学中分层走班的运用探究 本文关键词:分层,探究,高中物理,教学中

高中物理教学中分层走班的运用探究 本文简介:本篇文章目录导航:【题目】高中物理教学中分层走班的运用探究【第一章】分层走班制在高中物理的应用研究绪论【第二章】高中分层走班实施现状【第三章】对物理学科分层走班的调查分析【第四章】物理学科分层走班的问题及实施建议【第五章-参考文献】物理分层走班教学模式探究总结与参考文献  摘要    2014年9月

高中物理教学中分层走班的运用探究 本文内容:




  2014 年 9 月 3 日国务院颁发《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》标志着新一轮高校招生考试制度改革正式启动,而其中考试科目从以前的非文即理改为“3+3”的设置方式使分层教学已不能满足当下教育的需求,因此采用分层走班的教学方式是未来教育发展的必然趋势。而我国分层走班的最早尝试是在上世纪八十年代,起步较晚,发展缓慢,经验不足,教学、管理等方面不够成熟,因此如何使分层走班教学能有效实施是亟待解决的问题。


  在梳理大量的文献的基础上,针对 S 中学展开多种形式的调查,收集、梳理和分析分层走班对学生学习的影响,并分析老师在不同层次班级中课堂引入、实验处理、例题选择、习题讲解等方面的差异,概括在物理教学中教学目标、教学内容、教学方法等方面存在的不符合分层走班制需求及特点的问题。最后根据问题,通过借鉴有丰富走班经验的学校相关举措以及和有丰富教学经验的老师探讨等方式从教学分层方面提出解决策略,并设计和呈现相应的教学片段,为分层走班过程中物理教学的实施提供借鉴经验。
  关键词:高中物理 分层走班教学 教学有效性。


  On September 2014, the State Council issued the "implementationopinions on deepening examination and enrollment system reform", which marked thebeginning of the reform of college entrance examination system.And the examinationsubjects changed from the arts and sciences to "3+3", so that the hierarchical teachingcould not meet the requirements of education.Therefore, it is the inevitable trend ofeducation development in the future.However, the first attempt to stratify the class inChina was in the 1980s,start relatively late, lack of experience in teaching, management,etc.Therefore, it is an urgent problem to solve the problem of the effectiveimplementation of stratified class teaching.
  The content of this thesis is to discover a series of experiences and rules of physicsdiscipline in teaching reform, making teachers understand the stratified teaching, andprovide reference for the physics teaching in the background of the new collegeentrance examination,to promote the teaching of teachers and learning and ofstudents,contribute to the smooth development of the stratified shift.
  After reading a large number of journal articles,several forms of investigation havebeen developed for S high school,to collect, comb and analyze the impact of thestratified shift on students' learning,It also analyze that differences between teacher'introduction, experiment, choice of subjects and interpretation of problems at differentlevels,Summarize the problems that S middle school in some ways ,such as physicsteaching ,teaching goal, teaching content and teaching methods and so on .which doesnot conform to the requirements and characteristics of the stratified teaching.Finally,according to the problem,by referring to the relevant measures of the school with richexperience in stratified teaching, and discussing with teachers with rich teachingexperience, this paper proposes a solution strategy from the teaching layering, and designed and presented corresponding teaching fragments, provides referenceexperience for the implementation of physics teaching in the process of stratification.
  Keywords: Senior high school physics; Stratified teaching; Teaching effectiveness
  目 次
  目 次.
  1 绪论.

  1.1 研究背景
  1.2 研究意义
  1.3 核心概念
  1.4 分层走班的历史发展脉络和研究现状
  1.5 研究内容及方法
  2 高中分层走班实施现状.
  2.1 前期准备
  2.2 班级管理
  2.3 课堂教学
  2.4 评价
  3 对物理学科分层走班的调查分析.
  3.1 学生满意度
  3.2 物理学习态度
  3.3 物理课堂环境
  3.4 物理教学
  3.5 本章小节
  4 物理学科分层走班的问题及实施建议.
  4.1 前期准备阶段
  4.2 物理课堂教学中实施小组合作学习模式
  5 总结.

高中物理教学中分层走班的运用探究  来源:网络整理

