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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-04-21 06:46:10 | 移动端:银行术语英文


银行术语的中英文对照(2013-01-20 17:28:52)



杂谈 ▼

王明珂:人类社会的三个层面:经济生业、社会结群与文化表征作者:人类学乾坤 理性中的热情—德国美酒作者:denis




银行卡类型 Card Type

银行卡号 Card No

借记卡 Debit Card

贷记卡 Credit Card

电话银行 IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统)

证件号码 I.D. No

注册 Eollment

证件 I.D.

新密码 New Password

确认密码 Confirm Password

密码重置 Ret Password

账户管理 Account management

账户查询 Account enquiry

账户概览 Account summary

账户详情 Account detail

交易明细查询 Transaction detail enquiry

转账 Transfer

定期存款 Time deposit

定期账户 Time deposit

活期账户 Savings Account

活期一本通 Passbook of Current Savings

普通活期存折 Regular Passbook saving

定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit

零存整取 Installment Time Deposit

教育储蓄 Education Saving

存本取息 Interest Withdraw Time Deposit

准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card

账号 Account No./Acc. No.

别名 Nickname

账号状态 Acc. Status

开户网点 Acc. Open

网点 Branch

开户日期 Open Date

卡号 Card No.

卡状态 Card Status

起始日期 Start Date

结束日期 End Date

交易日期 Transaction Date

币种 Currency

钞/汇 Cash/Remit

当前余额 Current Balance

可用余额 Available Balance

余额 Balance

余额查询 Balance Enquiry

存单序号 CD No.

收入金额 credit

支出金额 Debit

业务摘要 Memo

人民币 RMB

美元 USD

乙钞 B Cash

转账明细 Transfer details

预约转账管理 Scheduled transfer management

转出账号 Transfer Out Acc.

转出账号地区 Transfer Out Region

转入账号 Transfer In Acc.

转入账号地区 Transfer In Region

钞汇标志 Cash/Remit

转账金额 Transfer Amount

即时转账 Immediate (Transfer)

指定日期转账 Sehedule (Transfer)

转账日期 Transfer Date

备注 Memo

港币 HKD

英镑 GBP

欧元 EUR

日元 JPY

加拿大元 CAD

澳大利亚元 AUD

瑞士法郎 CHF

新加坡元 SGD

现钞 Cash

现汇 Remit

手续费 Service Charge

转账类型 Transfer Type

转账状态 Transfer Status

定期存款支取 Time deposit withdraw

整存整取 Lump-sum Time Deposit

通知存款 Call Deposit

零存整取续存 Renew Time Deposit

教育储蓄续存 Renew Education Saving

定活两便 Consolidated Time&Savings

转存 Repeating

转存方式 Transfer Type

储种 Type

存期 Period

自动转存 Repeating

业务品种 Class

续存金额 Renew Amount

信用额度 Credit Limit

可用额度 Available Credit

预约日期 Submit Date

指定转账日期 Schedule Date

提交 Submit

整存整取支取 Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw

通知存款支取 Call Deposit Transfer

存折 Passbook

存单 CD

存本取息(利息)支取 Transfer interest from interest withdraw time deposit 定活两便支取 Consolidated time&Savings transfer

信用卡查询 Credit card enquiry

信用卡概览 Credit Card Summary

信用卡详细信息 Credit Card Detail

信用卡未出账单明细 Credit Card unsettled bills

信用卡交易明细 Credit Card Transaction Detail

信用卡月结单查询 Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry

查询月份 Equiry month

结单日期 Statement Date

贷记利息 Interest Rate

本币上月余额 RMB Previous month balance

本币本月余额 RMB Current month balance

美元上月余额 USD Previous month balance

美元本月余额 USD Current month balance

本币最低还款额 RMB Minimal Payment

本币全额金额 RMB Total amount due

外币最低还款额 Foreign Currency Minimal Payment

外币全额金额 Foreign Currency Total Payment

账户信用额度 Credit limit

可用额度 Available Credit

原交易金额 Original Amount

交易地点 Transact at

本币存入合计 RMB total Credit

外币存入合计 Foreign Currency total Credit

本币支出合计 RMB total Debit

外币支出合计 Foreign Currency total Debit

上一结单日 Previous Settlement Date

还款到期日 Next Payment Date

信用积分 Credit Point

上次未还金额 Previous Period unpaid amount

上次还款金额 Previous Period paid amount

需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项 Overdue/Overlimit amount 全额还款总额 Total due amount

最低还款总额 Minimum Payment Amount

全额购汇还款总额 Total foreign currency due amount

最低购汇还款总额 Mini foreign currency payment amount 购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)

人民币还款 RMB Payment

美元还款 USD Payment

还款方式 Payment method

记账日期 Booked Date

上次结算日 Previous settlement Date

信用卡还款 Credit card payment

自助还款服务 Self Service Payment

到期还款日 Due Date

全额还款金额 Total Due

最低还款金额 Minimal Payment Amount

还款种类 Payment Type

付款账号 Payment acc no.

付款金额 Payment amount

申请信用卡 Credit card application

美元、人民币双币种卡 USD、RMB dual currency card 称谓 Title

姓名拼音 Name(Pingyin)

出生日期 Date of Birth

证件类别 I.D. Type

证件号码 I.D. NO.

国籍 Nationality

婚姻状况 Marital Status

教育状况 Education

住宅性质 Resident Type

住宅地址 Address

居住年限 Period of Resident

住宅邮编 Zip Code

住宅电话 Resident Phone

区号 Region

电话号码 Phone no.

分机号 ext

手机号码 Mobile Phone

电子邮箱 Email

供养人数 House hold

父亲姓名 Father's name

母亲姓名 Mather's name

公司名称 Company name

公司地址 Company add.

公司邮编 Company Zip Code

公司电话 Company phone

行业性质 Industry

经济类型 Organization

职位 Position

现职年限 Years employed

现职固定月收入 Monthly Salary

年收入总额 Year Income

储蓄账户 saving account

个人资产信息 Personal asset data

账单缴付 Bill Payment

缴费地区 payment region

缴费类型 payment type

缴费日期 payment Date

缴费详细信息 payment detail

截止日期 Due Date

交费日期 Transfer Date

机主姓名 owner name

手机正常话费 basic fee

信息费 Information fee

交费总额 Total amount

缴费账号 Payment acc. No.

财经资讯 Financial Information

浏览金融信息 browse financial information

金融信息设置 financial information setting

个人设定 Personal Setting

账户维护 Account maintenance

会话超时设置 Session timed setting

更新个人资料 Update personal data

更改密码 Change password

个性化session超时时间 Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间 Limit

原密码 original password

网上客服 Customer sevices


银行卡类型 Card Type

银行卡号 Card No

借记卡 Debit Card

贷记卡 Credit Card

电话银行 IVR (Interactive Voice Response:交互语音应答系统)

证件号码 I.D. No

注册 Eollment

证件 I.D.

新密码 New Password

确认密码 Confirm Password

密码重置 Ret Password

账户管理 Account management

账户查询 Account enquiry

账户概览 Account summary

账户详情 Account detail

交易明细查询 Transaction detail enquiry

转账 Transfer

定期存款 Time deposit

定期账户 Time deposit

活期账户 Savings Account

活期一本通 Passbook of Current Savings

普通活期存折 Regular Passbook saving

定期一本通 Passbook of Time Deposit

零存整取 Installment Time Deposit

教育储蓄 Education Saving

存本取息 Interest Withdraw Time Deposit

准贷记卡 Quasi Credit Card

账号 Account No./Acc. No.

别名 Nickname

账号状态 Acc. Status

开户网点 Acc. Open

网点 Branch

开户日期 Open Date

卡号 Card No.

卡状态 Card Status

起始日期 Start Date

结束日期 End Date

交易日期 Transaction Date

币种 Currency

钞/汇 Cash/Remit

当前余额 Current Balance

可用余额 Available Balance

余额 Balance

余额查询 Balance Enquiry

存单序号 CD No.

收入金额 credit

支出金额 Debit

业务摘要 Memo

人民币 RMB

美元 USD

乙钞 B Cash

转账明细 Transfer details

预约转账管理 Scheduled transfer management

转出账号 Transfer Out Acc.

转出账号地区 Transfer Out Region

转入账号 Transfer In Acc.

转入账号地区 Transfer In Region

钞汇标志 Cash/Remit

转账金额 Transfer Amount

即时转账 Immediate (Transfer)

指定日期转账 Schedule (Transfer)

转账日期 Transfer Date

备注 Memo

港币 HKD

英镑 GBP

欧元 EUR

日元 JPY

加拿大元 CAD

澳大利亚元 AUD

瑞士法郎 CHF

新加坡元 SGD

现钞 Cash

现汇 Remit

手续费 Service Charge

转账类型 Transfer Type

转账状态 Transfer Status

定期存款支取 Time deposit withdraw

整存整取 Lump-sum Time Deposit

通知存款 Call Deposit

零存整取续存 Renew Time Deposit

教育储蓄续存 Renew Education Saving

定活两便 Consolidated Time &Savings

转存 Repeating

转存方式 Transfer Type

储种 Type

存期 Period

自动转存 Repeating

业务品种 Class

续存金额 Renew Amount

信用额度 Credit Limit

可用额度 Available Credit

预约日期 Submit Date

指定转账日期 Schedule Date

提交 Submit

整存整取支取 Lump Sum Time Deposit Withdraw

通知存款支取 Call Deposit Transfer

存折 Passbook

存单 CD

存本取息(利息)支取 Transfer interest from interest withdraw time deposit 定活两便支取 Consolidated time & Savings transfer

信用卡查询 Credit card enquiry

信用卡概览 Credit Card Summary

信用卡详细信息 Credit Card Detail

信用卡未出账单明细 Credit Card unsettled bills

信用卡交易明细 Credit Card Transaction Detail

信用卡月结单查询 Credit Card Monthly Statement Enquiry

查询月份 Equiry month

结单日期 Statement Date

贷记利息 Interest Rate

本币上月余额 RMB Previous month balance

本币本月余额 RMB Current month balance

美元上月余额 USD Previous month balance

美元本月余额 USD Current month balance

本币最低还款额 RMB Minimal Payment

本币全额金额 RMB Total amount due

外币最低还款额 Foreign Currency Minimal Payment

外币全额金额 Foreign Currency Total Payment

账户信用额度 Credit limit

可用额度 Available Credit

原交易金额 Original Amount

交易地点 Transact at

本币存入合计 RMB total Credit

外币存入合计 Foreign Currency total Credit

本币支出合计 RMB total Debit

外币支出合计 Foreign Currency total Debit

上一结单日 Previous Settlement Date

还款到期日 Next Payment Date

信用积分 Credit Point

上次未还金额 Previous Period unpaid amount

上次还款金额 Previous Period paid amount

需立即缴交的过期款项/超额款项 Overdue/Over limit amount

全额还款总额 Total due amount

最低还款总额 Minimum Payment Amount

全额购汇还款总额 Total foreign currency due amount 最低购汇还款总额 Mini foreign currency payment amount 购汇牌价(人民币/美元) Exchange Rate (RMB/USD)

人民币还款 RMB Payment

美元还款 USD Payment

还款方式 Payment method

记账日期 Booked Date

上次结算日 Previous settlement Date

信用卡还款 Credit card payment

自助还款服务 Self Service Payment

到期还款日 Due Date

全额还款金额 Total Due

最低还款金额 Minimal Payment Amount

还款种类 Payment Type

付款账号 Payment acc no.

付款金额 Payment amount

申请信用卡 Credit card application

美元, 人民币双币种卡 USD, RMB dual currency card 称谓 Title

姓名拼音 Name(Pingyin)

出生日期 Date of Birth

证件类别 I.D. Type

证件号码 I.D. NO.

国籍 Nationality

婚姻状况 Marital Status

教育状况 Education

住宅性质 Resident Type

住宅地址 Address

居住年限 Period of Resident

住宅邮编 Zip Code

住宅电话 Resident Phone

区号 Region

电话号码 Phone no.

分机号 ext

手机号码 Mobile Phone

电子邮箱 Email

供养人数 House hold

父亲姓名 Father's name

母亲姓名 Mother’s name

公司名称 Company name

公司地址 Company add.

公司邮编 Company Zip Code

公司电话 Company phone

行业性质 Industry

经济类型 Organization

职位 Position

现职年限 Years employed

现职固定月收入 Monthly Salary

年收入总额 Year Income

储蓄账户 saving account

个人资产信息 Personal asset data

账单缴付 Bill Payment

缴费地区 payment region

缴费类型 payment type

缴费日期 payment Date

缴费详细信息 payment detail

截止日期 Due Date

交费日期 Transfer Date

机主姓名 owner name

手机正常话费 basic fee

信息费 Information fee

交费总额 Total amount

缴费账号 Payment acc. No.

财经资讯 Financial Information

浏览金融信息 browse financial information

金融信息设置 financial information setting

个人设定 Personal Setting

账户维护 Account maintenance

会话超时设置 Session timed setting

更新个人资料 Update personal data

更改密码 Change password

个性化session超时时间 Customizing session inactivity time limit 超时时间 Limit

原密码 original password

网上客服 Customer services

安全电子邮件 security email

收件箱 Inbox

发邮件 Send mail

发件箱 Outbox

标题 subject

发信人 sender

接收日期 receive date

删除 delete

邮件详细内容 mail content

发送日期 send date

网上挂失 online Suspend account

账户挂失 Suspend account


rate of deposit turnover 转率

存款周required reserve ratio 法定准备率 counter-inflation policy 反通货


minimum reserve ratio 法定最低准

loan-deposit ratio 存放款比率 备比率 open market policy 公开市场政

self-owned capital ratio 自有资additional reserve 追加准备金 本比率 deficit-covering finance 赤字财

guaranteed fund 保证准备金

output-capital ratio 产出与资本

reserve margin 准备金比率

的比率 fiscal and monetary policy 财政金

融政策 unbalance finance 赤字财政

ratio of profit to capital 收益同资本的比率 harmony of fiscal and monetary red balance 赤字差额

policies 财政政策和金融政策的协

turnover of account receivable 应repressed inflation 抑制性通货调 收帐款周转率 膨胀

interest rate policy 利率政策

ratio of doubtful loans to total loansshortage of financial resources 财 坏帐比率 monetary device 金融调节手段 源短缺 fixed assets ratio 固定资产比率

galloping inflation 恶性通货膨胀

monetary action 金融措施

fixed assets turnover ratio 固定资monetary and financial crisis 产周转率 币金融危机 current ratio 流动比率 turnover ratio of working capital 流动资本周转率 liquidity of bank 银行资产流动性 payment reserve 支付准备 internal reserves 内部准备金

deflation 通货紧缩 inflation 通货膨胀 inflation rate 通货膨胀率

货measures for monetary ease


easy credit 放松信贷 monetary and credit control 币信用管理

deficit covering 弥补赤字 restrictive lending policy 缩政策

inflationary trends通货膨胀趋势 monetary stringency 银根奇紧 slack of finance 银根松缓



graduated reserve requirement 分

stagflation 级法定准备金

over-loan position 贷款超额 credit expansion 信用扩张

ratio of cash reserves to depositsdemand pull inflation 需求拉动通credit control instrument 信用调货膨胀 存款支付准备率 节手段 initial reserve 初期准备金 offset reserve


demand shift inflation 需求变动型credit control 信用控制 通货膨胀

restrictive monetary policy 紧缩通

latent inflation 潜在的通货膨胀 货膨胀

allowance for doubtful debt 抵呆帐款项

inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通credit extending policy 融资方针 货膨胀

reserve requirements 法定存款准ultra-cheap money policy 超低息

neutrality of the central bank 中政策 备金


reserve ratio 法定存款准备金比率 financial transaction 金融业务

monetary market 金融市场 financial uest 金融动荡 financial crisis


cash budget 现金预算 cash flow


fund liability 基金负债 fund obligation


cash holdings 库存现金 cash payment


fund raising 基金筹措 funds statement 资金表 general fund 普通基金

financial system 金融体系 financial world


cash position 头寸

policy of discount window 窗口指cash resources (reserves) 现金准gross cash flow 现金总流量

导政策 备

hedge fund 套利基金

open market operation 公开市common fund 共同基金

hoarded money 储存的货币


common trust fund 共同信托基

legal tender 法定货币

accrued bond interest 应计债券利金 息 monetary aggregates 货币流通额

current fund 流动基金

accrued dividend 应计股利 monetary area 货币区

deposit turnover 存款周转率

active securities 热头股票,活跃的monetary assets 货币性资产

derived deposit 派生存款


monetary base 货币基础

designated currency 指定货币

baby bond 小额债券

monetary circulation 货币流通

discount market 贴现市场

bear operation 卖空行为

monetary ease 银根松动

discounted cash flow 净现金量

black market 黑市

monetary stringency 银根紧

due from other funds 应收其他基

black money 黑钱

金款 monetary unit 货币单位

bond fund 债券基金

due to other funds 应付其他基money collector 收款人

call for funds 控股、集资 金款

money credit 货币信用

call market 活期存款市场 equalization fund (外汇)平衡基金

money down 付现款

capital market 信贷市场、资本市farm subsidies 农产品补贴

money equivalent 货币等价 场

fund 资金、基金

money-flow analysis 货币流量分capital resources 资本来源

fund account 基金帐户 析

capital surplus 资本盈余

fund allocation 基金分配 near money 准货币

capital transfer 资本转移

fund appropriation 基金拨款 neutral money 中介货币

capital turnover rate 资本周转率

fund balance 基金结存款 provident fund 准备基金

cash audit 现金审核

fund for relief 救济基金 public audit 公开审计

cash basis 现金制

fund for special use 专用基金 public money 公款

cash basis accounting 现金收付会

fund in trust 信托基金 short-term funds 短期资金 计制

sinking fund 偿债基金 soft currency 软币

subsidy account 补助金帐户

establishing bank 开证银行 intermediary bank 中间银行 certifying bank


advising bank 通知银行

acceptance bank 票据承兑行 clearing bank 清算银行 presenting bank 提示银行 affiliated bank


transfer to reserve account 转到准paying bank 付款银行


appointed bank 外汇指定银行

transferable money 可转帐货币

correspondent 代理行

trust bank 信托银行

main bank 主要银行

trust fund 信托基金

remitting bank 汇出银行

withdrawal from circulation (货币)

Giro bank 汇划银行


remittance bank 汇款银行

withdrawal of bank notes 钞票回笼 negotiating bank 议付银行 withdrawal of funds 资金回收 banker's bank


issue bank


long-term credit bank 长期信用银

specialized foreign exchange bank 外汇专业银行 member bank


fringe bank 边缘银行 export and import bank 银行


bank of deposit 存款银行

banks with business dealing with rediscount bank 再贴现银行 the central bank 中央银行的往来

agent for collection 托收代理银银行

foreign banks 外国银行

collecting bank 托收银行

local bank 地方银行

mortgage bank 抵押银行

overseas branches 国外分行

selling bank 卖方银行

foreign correspondent 国外代理银

requesting bank 委托开证银行 行

nationalized bank 国有化银行 national bank 国家银行 bank of the government


city bank 城市银行 credit union 信用合作社 operating bank


transmitting bank 转证银行 trustee bank 受托银行

政府的domestic correspondent


loan bank



managing bank of a syndicate 财团的经理银行 non-member bank


credit bank 信贷银行 chartered bank


special bank 特殊银行 side-work bank 兼业银行 overseas bank


popularity bank 庶民银行 banker's association 银行协会

国内通infrastructure bank


reserving bank



accepting bank

savings bank 储蓄银行 multinational bank


confirming bank 保兑银行 discounting bank 贴现银行 creditor bank 债权银行 debtor bank 借方银行

consortium bank 银团银行 ordinary bank


world bank 世界银行

Asian Development Fund (ADB) 亚洲开发银行

our bank 开户银行

Euro-bank 欧洲银行 drawing account 提款帐户

fixed savings withdrawal 定期储International Investment Bank (IIB)

国际投资银行 蓄提款 bank balance 存款余额 interest subsidy 利息补贴 interest restriction


run on a bank



application form for a banking

account 银行开户申请书

outward remittance

Certificate of Deposits (CDs) 额定期存款单

legal interest 法定利息 public deposit


postal remittance 邮政汇款 remittance by draft remittance charges

汇票汇款 汇费

certificate of balance 存款凭单 checking account 支票帐户。 checking deposits 支票存款,活期存款

compound interest


derivative deposit 派生存款 special deposit


telegraphic transfer (T/T) 电汇

reserve deposit 准备存款

collection of trade charges 托收货

compound rate 复利率

bank deposit 银行存款

deposit account 存款帐户

collection on clean bill 光票托收

reserve account 准备金帐户

deposit at call 通知存款

collection on documents 跟单托

Bank of Communications 交通银

收 deposit bank 存款银行

collecting bank 托收银行 deposit money 存款货币

Development Bank 开发银行

letter transfer 信汇 open an account 开户

the Construction Bank of China 中国建设银行 deposit rate 存款利率 personal account 个人帐户 the People's Bank of China 中国人external account 对外帐户 民银行

fixed deposit (=time deposit) 定

Industrial and Commercial Bank of 期存款 China 中国工商银行

fixed deposit by installment 零

Agricultural Bank of China 中国农存整取 业银行

imprest bank account 定额银行存

China Investment Bank 中国投款专户 资银行

large deposit 大额存款

Bank of China 中国银行

nominal deposit 名义存款

petty current deposit 小额活期存款

principal 本金

principal and interest 本利 provisional account


intermediate account 中间帐户 subaccount 公帐户

deposit account (D/A) 存款帐户

the International Trust and operation account 交易帐户

non-resident account 非居民存款

Investment Corporation of China

nominal account 名义帐户 (ITICC) 中国国际信托投资公司 account charges 账户费用 advice of drawing 提款通知书 draw


"account current (A/C,a/c)"


amount in figures 小写金额 amount in words 大写金额

sundry account 杂项帐户 revenue account 收入帐户 account number (A/N) 帐号

drawee bank 付款银行

cash account 现金帐户 loan account 贷款帐户 uninscribed deposit check deposit

interest per annum pure interest 纯利息


securities underwriting services 证券承销业务

cash management services 现金管理业务

equipment leasing services 设备租赁业务

不记名存款 simple interest

value date





corporate deposits

financial institutions' deposit 业存款

personal deposit 私人存款 domestic deposit 国内存款 deferred savings 定期存款 compound rate deposit 款

commercial deposit short-term deposits

demand-deposit or checking-accounts 同



securities brokerage services 券经纪业务 insurance services

savings accounts 储蓄存款帐户


time-deposit accounts 定期存款帐

real estate brokerage services 不


foreign exchange services 外汇业务

certificates of deposit (CDs)


商业存款 短期存款

commercial and industrial loans 工

international banking services 国


际银行业务 agricultural loans 农业贷款 real estate loans 不动产贷款

conservatism and liquidity 稳健性与流动性

flexibility and mobility 灵活性与机动性 金

bank balance over required reserves 超出法定(必备)储备的银行存款余额

minimum cash requirements 低现金持有量(需求)

ordinary deposit 普通存款

ordinary time deposit 普通定期存personal loans 个人贷款 款

loans to financial institutions

hot money deposits 游资存款 融机构贷款 business savings 企业储蓄 voluntary savings 自愿储蓄 individual savings 私人储蓄

loans to government 政府贷款 credit cards 信用卡

automated teller machines (24

hours a day) 自动取款机(24小时time lag 时滞

postal savings 邮政储蓄 服务)

self-liquidated loans 自偿性商业

installment savings 零存整取储bill-paying services 代付帐款 贷款 蓄

automatic transfers between "tax anticipation note (bill,bond)"

saving account (S.A.) 储蓄帐户 accounts 自动转帐 预付税金票据,先期缴税债券 savings deposit 储蓄存款 thrift encouragement 储蓄鼓励 daily interest 日息 interest per month interest on deposit

telephone transfers 电话转帐

safety deposit boxes 保管箱 trust services 信托业务

business term loan


payment facilities 支付服务设施

月息 存款利息

working balance 周转余额,往来余

financial advising services 金融咨

