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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-07-03 05:40:43 | 移动端:关于丝绸之路的作文






















气质,是丝丝离愁,又或是袅袅清新……说不清,道不明,也许是一种感觉吧!每次翻开书,闻到那特有的书香,总让我心定神明。如果说书是咖啡,书香定是少不了的白糖;如果说书是红花,书香必是衬其的绿叶;如果说书是黑夜空中的皓月,书香就是闪烁发光的明星…… 书啊!我想你能陪我走完这一生。

如果说生命犹如一条长河,那奋斗就是河里千千万万的水滴;如果说生命犹如一棵大树,那奋斗就是树上茂盛的树叶;如果说生命犹如一座高山,那奋斗就是山上一块块的岩石…… 保尔在老布尔什维克党人朱赫来的指引下走上了革命的正确道路,他渐渐成长起来,结交了更多的朋友,他决定要彻底推翻旧社会,他也决定为此而努力奋斗。在那个年代里,社会黑暗,战火连连,保尔曾遭遇多次战争之创,他瘫痪时曾几度想到放弃,但最后他始终抱着一个信念:坚持!我必须活下去!因为我的生命并未结束。带着这样一份执着,一份信念,一份坚持,他成功了,用拼搏为人生画上圆满的句号。


英国物理学家霍金,年轻时就被医生“判了死刑”,可他并没有就此丧失对生活的信心。与其坐着等待,不如拼搏起来。于是,他成功了;作家张海迪,胸部以下全部瘫痪,但她用乐观的心态,坚持与病魔作斗争,于是,她也成功了!生命并没有停下脚步,奋斗怎么能终止? 我看完书后,掩卷沉思:生活中有多少人因为一些小事或挫折就去自杀,放弃自己宝贵的生命?而保尔,一步步走向全身瘫痪,然后双目失明,我也不禁为他感到惋惜。或许他每天起床就能感受到病情的恶化,但保尔,坚强的他,却乐观的承受了一切,用努力和奋斗换回最后人生的成功!





The Silk Route is an important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean in history. Since silk accounted for a large proportion of trade along this route, in 1877, it was named the Silk Route by an eminent German geographer. In the meantime, this route served as an artery of exchange for many other products, and more importantly, their technology. One of the most significant objects introduced to China via the Silk Route is Buddhism. Chinese techniques of silkworm breeding, iron smelting and irrigation spread to Central and Southern Asia and to Europe.

丝绸之路 the Silk Route

地中海 the Mediterranean

杰出的 eminent

地理学家 geographer

交易 exchange

主干线 artery

养蚕 silkworm breeding

生铁锻造 iron smelting

灌溉 irrigation


The Silk Road

The "Silk Road" is the ancient commercial route of trade that began in ancient China and connected with Asia, Africa and Europe. The narrow Silk Road generally refers to the Silk Road on the land. The silk road is connected to the Chinese hinterland and the European continental trade channel, formed in second Century BC and first Century ad, until sixteenth Century, are still in use, is the main way to communicate a between eastern and western economy, politics and culture.The following three sections are related to the Silk Road:

1、Brief introduction of the Silk Road

The Silk Road refers to inthe Western Han Dynasty (202 years - 8 years)by Zhang Qian who was missioned to the western region opened up in Chang an (now Xi'an) as a starting point, through Gansu, Xinjiang, to Central Asia, West Asia, and connecting the Mediterranean countries of the land passage. Because the road transport of goods in the west to the impact of the largest silk products, it was this name (and there are a lot of silk are China shipped). The Silk Road is a historical trade line across the Eurasian continent, promoting friendly exchanges between Asia and Africa and China. China is the home of silk. In the trade that is carried out by this route, China's exports are the most representative of silk. Although the formation of the Silk Road is because countries along the way to promote economic and trade development. , but there are still a lot of people think that the main reason is that Zhang Qian two times through the western regions, which really opened up a new era of Sino foreign exchanges and successfully opened the curtain between the East and the west. From then on, this route as a "National Road" was stepped out, envoys, businessmen, missionaries and so on along the road opened by Zhang Qian, coming and going.

2、The development of the Silk Road

The silk road is well known because of Zhang Qian's mission to the Western Regions , but as early as first Century BC in ancient times, in the Nile Valley, Mesopotamia, India River Basin and the Yellow River basin in the northern grassland,

there is a lot of incoherent small-scale trade routes connected to the large body of grassland road. Later confirmed by archaeologists, this path is the earliest embryonic form of the Silk Road.Early on the Silk Road, silk was not the main trading goods, around fifteenth Century BC, China businessmen had access to the edge of the Taklimakan Desert that is the Xinjiang area to buy Hotan jade, and had saled seashells and other coastal specialty,and had small-scale trade with central Asia in the same time. With the fifth Century BC the Hexi Corridor was opened up, which led to the Chinese of Western trade exchanges. For a long time, because the nomads continued strong, they settled with the constant struggle between people, between split, collision and fusion, which makes the original trade and cultural communication only in the local area or some area. Economic and cultural exchanges can only be achieved in a relatively stable area. So there is no deep understanding between the East and the west, the cultural exchanges are isolated. Although in ancient times, there has been a trade, which is become a legend and myth in the hearts of the people of East and West. Before second Century, the Western Han Dynasty Chinese’s national strength is more stronger after Wenjingzhizhi. The fourth emperor of the Han Dynasty decided to fight against the Huns, andplanning to cooperate with the United States and the Western , and then ordered Zhang Qian to had been to Darouzhi. In 119 BC, Zhang Qian as Zhonglang Jiang,was second times missioned to the Western Regions. After four years he and his deputy had successively arrived Sun country(乌孙国), Kangju(康居), Darouzhi(大月氏), and other countries . As China entered the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Silk Road in Northwest China once again attracted the attention of Chinese rulers. After twelfth Century, the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty also sent people along the Silk Road, but it was based on religious belief and other cultural exchanges. Until now, the five northwestern provinces decided to work on the ancient Silk Road tourism integration development, breaking the restrictions of administrative divisions, according to the characteristics of culture and tourism line requires its own law of development, development and design of publicity consistent cross regional large scale cultural tourism product line system.

3、One scenic spot on the Silk Road

In this part, I'd like to introduce a place that has disappeared now -- Kroraina. Historically, Kroraina is one of the thirty-six countries in the Western Han dynasty. Zhang Qian through the Western Regions, Kroraina has become an important channel for East and West transportation. It is the center of politics, military, economy and culture in the western regions. The ancient Silk Road North and south two road from Kroraina. Kroraina, as the hub of transportation in Asia, has played an important role in the cultural exchange between East and west. At that time, the kingdom of Kroraina or near Lop Nor, half farming and grazing half of the country, after the opening of the Silk Road, Kroraina has become the hub of Chinese and Western transportation. Due to Kroraina Wang Hun collusion, constantly on the Silk Road killed people, Huo Guang sent Fu Jiezi to the western regions to have an assassination. After more than 2000 years, Kroraina cannot find traces of history, there is no mark. During the Han and Jin Dynasties, the Mongolians were appearing in Kroraina area. At this time the Kroraina interprete the agricultural civilization, and it is important geographical position on the Silk Road, passing the eastern and Western civilizations. In the Jin Dynasty after 1500, Kroraina once again disappeared not .The least trace was found until 100 years ago, people in the eastern margin of the Taklimakan Desert, occasionally saw the Kroraina broken walls and pagodas
