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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-06-02 06:07:42 | 移动端:假如你是高中生李华





参考词汇:电子阅览室:digital reading room

Dear Zhou Kai,

It has been more than two weeks since we met last time. How are you doing?I can’t wait to tell you something about my new school life.

My new school is really clean and beautiful. There’s a large playground and an amazing digital reading room. I like my English teacher best, who is enthusiastic and very popular with all the students. He is really good-looking. His teaching method is nothing like that of the other teachers. What’s more/In addition, he avoids making us feel embarrassed in class. All my classmates are friendly and hard-working. We’re living a new life and trying to make greater progress in our lessons.

Would you please tell me something about your new school? I’m looking forward to your reply.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


要求 1.字数100--120字;2.文章开头已给,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:course 课程benefit 对…有益 stressful有压力的adapt to适应

Recently,a survey has been carried out in our school about whether the students has

adapted to the life in senior high school.

As can be seen from the result of the survey, (有分歧的).

On the one hand, about 60% of the students think that life in senior high school is far

from relaxing. Firstly/To begin with明显地) more difficult. Besides, they have to do endless homework after class, which leaves them little time for exercise and other activities.

On the other hand, others say they have adapted to the new life and have begun to enjoy

it. They find the courses are more interesting and the activities are more colorful, which surely benefit them a lot.

依我看), we should balance our study and other activities and do

everything efficiently(有效益地). Only in this way can we learn more and enjoy our life better.




My new English teacher is named Lin Shan. Mr. Lin is neither too tall nor too short. He

always wears his glasses. He graduated from college in 1997 and looks much younger than his age. He always tries his best to make his classes lively and interesting. He has a good knowledge of English and we can learn a lot from him. He is strict with us, but on the other hand, he is kind and loves us.

Anyway, I like my new English teacher. I hope I can make greater progress with his help

and make true friends with him.





1.词数 100左右;开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数

2.颐和园 the Summer Palace

Dear Li Hong,

I haven’t heard from you for quite a long time. How have you been these days?

During the coming winter vacation, I’m going to Beijing for a tour. As I have never been to

Beijing before, I’d like you to be my guide. I hope you can show me around the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and some other places of interest. What’s more, during my visit I hope to stay

together with you in your house so that we can have a good talk about our life and studies. What do you think of my idea? I would like to know your opinion.

Please give my best regards(问候) to your parents.

Yours sincerely,

Liu Ming








3. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数

参考词汇:半岛 Peninsula 栈桥 zhanqiao Pier 奥帆赛中心Olympic Sailing Center

Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the famous tourist city of Qingdao.

Located in the south of Shangdong Peninsula on the Yellow Sea coast, Qingdao covers a

total area of 10,654 square kilometers with a population of 8,720,000 million. As a coastal city, Qingdao enjoys a pleasant climate in summer, not hot but cool. It’s the best season to travel here. But it is very cold in winter. It is also China’s main port city. Besides, Qingdao is a famous historical and cultural city with many tourist attractions. Zhanqiao Pier and Olympic Sailing Center attract millions of people from all over the world every year.

Wish you a good time here!

五. 目前越来越多的学生带手机上学。请你根据以下信息写一篇短文,反映这一现象并发






Today, more and more students go to school with mobile phones. Many people say that it’s right to that. Firstly/To begin with, it is easier for students to keep in touch with their parents and friends. Secondly/In addition, students are under too much pressure, and mobile phones can make their lives colorful.

However, others They think mobiles make students concentrate less on their lessons, and they often spend too much money on phone calls and sending messages.

In my opinion, it’s convenient for students to take mobile phones to school, because when they meet with danger, they can call the police or someone else for help. So students should be allowed to take mobile phones to school as long as they use them properly.

六(1)通过在班级内进行调查,我们发现很多同学在生活和饮食方面都存在一些影响健康的习惯,请你根据下面提示以Form a Good Living Habit为题写一篇短文。


篇二:人教版英语必修二Book 2 unit 1-5 各单元写作训练及参考范文

Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural Relics 写作训练 假如你是李华,最近,你的美国笔友莎莉(Sally)发邮件说想到你居住的城市北京来旅游,希望你给她简单介绍一下这座城市。请根据以下要点提示,给她回一封电子邮件。

1. 历史悠久;

2. 名胜古迹众多(places of interest) ;

3. 可以品尝美食

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总数;


Dear Sally,

I’m gald to hear that you are planning to come to Beijing. I’d like to tell you something about this city.

Beijing is the capital of China and has a long history(历史悠久). There are many places of interest (名胜古迹) in this city for you to visit, such as (例如)the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on(等等). In my opinion(在我看来), the best season to come to Beijing is autunm because it is neither too hot nor too cold, and you can enjoy the beautiful flowers and trees everywhere. What’s more(除此之外), you will have the opportunity to(有机会做某事) taste some delicious food here. I am sure that you will have a great time(玩的开心) when travelling in Beijing.

Looking forward to you coming!


Li Hua

Book 2 Unit 2 Olympic Games 写作训练 假定你是李华,你的美国网友Harry发邮件询问你最喜欢的运动,请你根据以下所给提示,向他介绍你最喜欢的运动——游泳。

1. 何时开始喜欢上游泳

2. 现在练习游泳的情况

3. 你的理想


Dear Harry,

Nice to receive your letter. I’d like to tell you about my favourite sport, swimming.

At the age of six, I began to learn swimming from my parents, who are good at(擅长) it. Now I often go swimming with my friends in my spare time(在空闲时). Besides, I go to sports school every weekend, where I have learned many swimming skills. Swimming does good to my health(对健康有好处), and I have made many friends as well(也). My favourite swimmer is Ye Shiwen, who won two gold medals at the 2012 London Olympic Games at the age of 16. I hope I can swim as well as her and have the opportunity to(有机会做某事) take part in (参加)the Olympic Games in the future.

Book 2 Unit 3 Computer写作训练 Science and technology is changing our life greatly

With the development of science and technology(随着科技的发展), our way of life has been changing all the time(一直). My grandmother told me she usually covered a long distance to a small shop in town to

buy goods. Later, supermakets have been opened in our town, so my

mother would like to go shopping in a supermaket near my house because it is very convenient.

In recent years, online shopping(网上购物) has become popular. Many young people like me prefer to(更喜欢做) buy what we like in front of the computer because it can save us time (节省时间)and labour(劳力).

I think, in the future, we can depend on our robot servants to do shopping as well as the housework.


1. 用电脑搜索信息和读书

2. 用电脑听音乐,玩游戏

3. 用电脑发邮件,和朋友聊天

my daily life and study(在日常生活和学习中). First of all(首先), I can search for the information(搜索信息) I need and read the books I’m

interested in, which cannot only help me increase my knowledge (增长知识)but also broaden my horizons(开拓视野). Secondly, I can listen to music or play computer games. I do these to relax. After all, we live and study under great stress(在巨大压力下). In addition(除此之外), I can send e-mails and have a chat with my friends (和朋友聊天)on the Internet. In this way, I can make more friends.

In short(总之), as students, if we make the best of (好好利用)the computer, we will benefit a lot from it(从中获益良多).

Book 2 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection写作训练

上周,你班组织了一场以“Should endangered animals be kept in zoos?”为题的英语辩论会,请你根据表格提示写一篇英语短文,给校英语报投稿,介绍此次辩论的情况,并发表个人看法。

Should endangered animals be kept in zoos? Last week our class had a debate about (关于…进行讨论)whether endangered animals should be kept in zoos? Different students have different opinions.

The supporters say that the zoo is the best place for endangered animals because they have a better chance of surviving in zoos than in the wild. We can prevent them from dying out (防止他们灭亡)by providing them with food and shelter. At the same time, people will know more about these animals.

however, those who are against the idea (反对这个观点)argue that animals kept in zoos will gradually lose their ability to survive in the wild in the long run(从长远来看). In addition, it is not good for the balance of nature.

Personally, I think keeping endangered animals in zoos is not the best way to protect them. Animals should live in the wild where they belong. We can protect them by protecting their habitats(保护他们的栖息地). 假设你是班长李华,世界动物日即将来临,现在请你结合以下要点用英语写一则倡议书来号召班里的同学保护动物。

1.禁止滥杀动物2. 保护动物的生存环境 3. 使每个人都认识


参考词汇:滥杀 kill at random

As we know, some animals are dying out for different reasons. There is no doubt that(毫无疑问) animals are our friends. With World Animals Day drawing near, what should we do to protect animals?

First of all, we should forbid people’s killing animals at random(禁止人们随意捕杀). Second, we should do all we can to protect animals’ living environment(保护动物的生存环境). With their living

environment destroyed, animals will become extinct (灭亡)sooner or later. Third, we should try our best to make everyone realize the

importance of protecting animals(努力使每个人意识到保护动物的重要性). In a way, protecting animals means protecting ourselves. Let’s start now and make every effort to protect animals(努力保护动物)—our friends!


1. 野生动物的现状

? More and more animals are facing the danger of dying out. ? More and more animals are becoming endangered.

2. 野生动物濒危的原因

? Their living environment is being destroyed.

? A lot of trees are being cut down.

? People cut down the trees illegally, pour waste water into the river and put poisonous gas into the air.

? People kill and hunt them for their fur without mercy.

3. 野生动物保护的措施

? We should take some measures to protect the wildlife.




假定你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿,要点如下: 21教育网

1. 栏目介绍; 2. 稿件内容; 3. 稿件长度:约 400 词; 4. 交稿日期:6 月 28 日前。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头语已为你写好。

Dear Peter,

I’d like to ask you to write an article for our school’s English newspaper.

The “Foreign Cultures”section in our newspaper is very popular among us students.It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries. Would you please write something about the culture in your part of the United States?And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals,and the life of American high school students.You can write anything relevant so long as it’s interesting and informative.400 words would be fine.Could we have your article before June 28?

I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 或者I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua

这篇作文还可以用这么个句型: I’d appreciate it if you could.......


假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:



Dear Lucy,

I’d like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival,which is the day for the elderly in our culture. We’ll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We’ll also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around 4 o’clock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the gate at 9 in the morning.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


某英文杂志正在举办以 "Fancy yourself as an interviewer" 为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。


1. 采访的对象;2. 采访的原因;3. 想提的问题。


1. 词数120左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。

A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview

A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview

The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei.(直接了当点题)

I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world. I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.

If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting.

虚拟语气在写作的应用常见句型还有:If I were you, I would........




1. 介绍训练营的相关内容(例如;时间,地点,参加者等);

2. 说明你打算参加的原因;

3. 询问对方的意向。

注意: 1. 词数不少于50;

2. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。

提示词:龙舟训练营 Dragon Boat Training Camp

Dear Jim,

I’m writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday.(写作目的) I want to join a Dragon Boat Training Camp. I wonder if you’d like to go with me.

This camp will open on July 20th, which offers teenagers like you and me a chance to enjoy sports and learn about Chinese culture. If you are interested in it, let me know and I’ll send you more information.

Hope to meet you at the training camp this summer.





Questioning is a bridge to learning. When you begin to doubt something and search for an answer,you will learn.


