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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-05-29 11:34:09 | 移动端:mama的乱欲生活


一、 单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1天命玄鸟,降而生商。这是关于谁的传说?()1.0 分?A、稷?B、偰?C、尧?D、挚正确答案: B 我的答案:B2东林党指的是明代晚期以()为主的政治集团。1.0 分?A、朝廷宦官?B、内朝外戚?C、

江南士大夫?D、皇权继承者正确答案: C 我的答案:C3文人治国的最高宗旨是()。1.0 分?A、大一统?B、君主制?C、教化论?D、成文法正确答案: C 我的答案:C4大蒐礼是什么礼?()1.0 分?A、宾礼

?B、祭礼?C、家礼?D、军礼正确答案: D 我的答案:D5脯醢的意思是()。1.0 分?A、饮酒的器皿?B、饮酒的礼节?C、祭祀的礼仪?D、佐酒的菜肴正确答案: D 我的答案:D6一个民族的形成必须具备哪些条件?()

1.0 分?A、相同的语言?B、相同的价值观念?C、共同的生活理念?D、以上都对正确答案: D 我的答案:D7分封制是分邦建国的一种制度,是以()为标准。1.0 分?A、战争关系?B、宗族血缘关系?C、功勋战绩?D、权利分割

正确答案: B 我的答案:B8顾炎武《郡县论》提出的中心问题是()。1.0 分?A、寓君主之意与封建之中?B、寓王权之意于郡县之中?C、寓郡县之意于封建之中?D、寓封建之意于郡县之中正确答案: D 我的答案:D9先秦时期诞生的思想观念不包括()。1.0 分?A、大同观念?B、天下观念?C、

篇二:《dear mama》歌词

《dear mama》-BLAXY GIRLS

Every word that keeps me smile alive你的每一句话都让我感到温暖You were always there to set me free曾经你总是给我无限的自由

Cause you're dering deepens all on blind因为你不想在思想上桎梏我 You can clear my eyes against the sea 你擦亮了我面朝大海的双眼

Thinking 'bout propoling r&b回想起你的叮咛,

And for everything you did to me你为我做的每件事情...

You know I need you're smile to stay alive


Can't you see...你能看见吗...


Oh dear mama I really need you're eyes


Oh dear mama you're my defence亲爱的妈妈,你是我避风的港湾; Oh dear mama I can't breath thinking u my try out


Oh dear mama come to me,me亲爱的妈妈,回来好吗...

2x:Can you belive that you can't receive妈妈,也许你不会相信这一刻, You're the kindest persone I ever know其实你是我最亲最爱的人, How many you've tried

Keep me alive every world 是你坚强地把我抚养成人。

You are present in my every pray如今,每一天我都在为你祈祷

I fell bless if you can brish this day祝福你在天堂的每一天 When you smile means a lot to me你的微笑让我勇敢

If you cry to set you free如果你在哭泣,请回来好吗

Please forgive me if I made you cry请原谅我曾经带给你的伤痛 Every day I just keep asking why每时每刻我都在责备自己的

May I able took you're smile away我不应该让泪水淹没了你的笑容 But you see.. 你原谅我吗?


Oh dear mama I really need you're eyes


Oh dear mama you're my defence亲爱的妈妈,你是我避风的港湾; Oh dear mama I can't breath thinking u my try out


Oh dear mama come to me,me亲爱的妈妈,回来好吗.


Can you belive that you can't receive 妈妈,也许你不会相信这一刻, You're the kindest persone I ever know其实你是我最亲最爱的人, How many you've tried是你坚强地把我抚养成人。

Keep me alive every world


Oh dear mama I really need you're eyes

Oh dear mama you're my defence

Oh dear mama I can't breath th?nk?ng u my try out

Oh dear mama come to me,me


I’m the one and only G to the D, many fake


Flies of the mall, over head, on your feet

飞翔在你们的头顶 你们都要为我所倾倒

I flip it the way, with or without the beat

无论有没有节奏追随 我都肆无的将舌头翻转

I’m wild and I’m young. They’re old and obsolete

我年轻气盛 狂放不羁他们却已衰老过气

Why so damn serious, gotcha girl delirious([d?'l?r??s] 发狂的)?


Gotcha=got you 字面意思是抓到你了,等到你了,引申意思就是“明白你的意思了” 。 I’m only 25 and got the world so curious


Is it cuz of my style or my flow(流动) is so mysterious(神秘的;不可思议的)?

到底是我独特的风格还是我流畅的说唱让你感到神秘呢? cuz是because的俚语式缩写。

King with the Aces, I’m the best.

王牌中的王牌 我就是最强的

They clone me, they phony(假冒者;赝品), cheesy(干酪质的;下等的) like macaroni.

赝品只会一味的抄袭我,却俗气的像腻口通心粉 The blueprint(蓝图,设计图) of original, you are a sketch(素描) of old me.

还是直接照搬原版吧 你们也只能停留在我的曾经 Trendsetter being better, style is never for free.

