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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-05-20 09:21:25 | 移动端:米兰的秘密花园摘抄



三牌楼小学四二班 周奕菲




联系方式: 周强13770768553



读《米兰的秘密花园》有感 我读完了《米兰的秘密花园》这本书。它的作者是程玮,她还同时写下了周末与爱丽丝聊天系列,这一系列还有:《会跳舞的小星星》(家庭亲情篇)、《黑头发的朱丽叶》(友情爱情篇)。这本书书主要写了:米兰是一个生长在德国的中国女孩。星期天早晨。妈妈给米兰5欧元,让她为同学娜塔莉的母亲买一枝玫瑰祝福生日。米兰在集市上买了棉花糖、冰淇淋和无花果,剩下的钱已经买不起玫瑰了。忐忑中的米兰,突然看见了一座神秘的房子,墙壁上开满了玫瑰,米兰这些玫瑰都挤在一起,过不了见几天就谢了,她觉得太浪费太可惜了,便想问老奶奶要几支玫瑰,她推门进屋,惊讶地看见一个头发是银白色的,穿着绿色裙子的老奶奶。她与老奶奶老奶奶送给米兰一大把鲜花,米兰怀里捧着鲜花,好像能听到它们正在快乐地歌唱,此后的几周,米兰每一个周末都和爱丽丝见面、聊天,学会大声说出自己心里的感谢…… 读完了这部书使我在礼貌礼仪这些方面,明白了许多,如送礼物的真正价值。我知道了礼物它是不需要用金钱来衡量的,它只是你对朋友的一份心意。有一次,我妈妈过生日,我送给她的不是什么特别豪华的东西,而是我自己亲手做贺卡。她非常开心,比我送她什么项链及贵重的物品还开心,因为我用心去做了,像妈妈表示了我对她的一片心意。




As thin as cicada's wings cease abruptly can't help

Hard state Bang Lailong to pulse with one's hair standing on end

Pour the scorching sun of summer heat

The sky vast retire

Pleased with oneself as a pleasurable occupation hysteria

Write in ornate style get throught a thing carelessly with certainty

The clouds deep cachexia


1 she had a thin face, a thin body, light colored hair sparse, sores on his head.

2 her hair curled in the silk, she has a small nose, like all looked down, she has a pair of big eyes will laugh. All her clothes are as thin as cicada's wings, swaying in the wind, Marie say they are "full lace".

3 but because it is the great place to a sad, but Mr. Craven to his proud -- this issad. The house has six hundred years of history, it is located at the edge of the swamp, with nearly one hundred rooms in the house, most of them empty closedand locked. There is a portrait, good old furniture, and other things on the year,around a big Lin Yuan, gardens, trees -- some tree branches swaying to the ground.

4 Marie just can't help listen up. It's not like India, any fresh things to her veryattractive. But she did not want to reveal their interest in it, which she alsoregrettable, not for one of the people love place.

5 she closed her mouth and stared out of the window, the rain pouring down intoa gray, was beating against the window panes, the window glass flow down, this is very natural scene. 6 she still looked for a long time, the grey in her eyes more and more deep, shefell asleep. 7 Marie sitting there, watching her, as she skidded hat, and later, she was asleep in the corner of the carriage. The rain beat against the window, like a lullaby.

8 through a thick window, she saw a piece of land extending upwards, it seemsno trees, like a piece of boundless, lose one's vitality of purple sea.

9 there is a bee smell, the air is very fresh -- the sky so high, the bees humming,a lark is singing, nice.

10 she stood there quietly, to see the trees sticking out from the wall, a chest redbirds perched on a high tree, suddenly, it sends its winter chirp, as if to see Marie, she is called.

11 birds were small head askew, a mild bright eyes looked up at the old man, hiseyes like black dew.

12 this means that people with one's hair standing on end roar again and again in the house as, like an invisible giants beat the walls and windows, trying to break in.

13 second days, rain pouring down, Marie from the window looking out, I saw the swamp was shrouded in a gray mist and clouds.

14 heavy rain has stopped, the wind has the gray mist and clouds, the wind itselfalso has stopped, the bright blue sky hanging in the swamp.

15 India sky is always hot, hot; the sky was blue makes people feel cool, almost like a bottomless Lake Lake, cute and shiny as, Aries, seemingly small cloud in the blue sky floating everywhere. The vast swamp itself is no longer depressingviolet blue or terrible grey, replace sb. is soft blue. 16 he has a graceful curving, red mouth, his face rippling smile.

17 he was standing on the marshes hear Skylark singing, watch it fly higher, fly into the sky, became a spot in the blue sky.

18 arch of the sky looks very high, in the transparent blue background, little white cloud like bird wings in flight.

A new discovery of 19 century people is, thought -- just some thoughts -- like a battery power -- power like sunshine good, bad power bad like poison. Let a badidea in your head, like a scarlet fever virus to enter your body.
