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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-05-07 06:14:29 | 移动端:简爱句子赏析



“你以为,因为我穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂,也没有心吗?你想错了!我的灵魂跟你一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样。如果上帝赋予我财富和美貌,我会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样!要是上帝赐予我一点美和一点财富,我就要让你感到难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。我现在和你说话,并不是通过习俗、惯例,甚至不是通过凡人的肉体——而是我的精神在同你的精神说话;就像两个都经过了坟墓,我们站在上帝脚跟前,是平等的——因为我们是平等的!” ——简·爱

那你就错了,你一点都不了解我,一点都不了解我能有的那种爱情。你的肉中的每一个原子,对我来说,都像我自己的一样亲;它既是在病痛中,仍然是亲的。你的心灵是我的宝库,哪怕它破碎了,仍然是我的宝库;要是你发了疯,约束你的将是我的胳膊而不是紧身背心——让你紧紧地抓住,甚至在你愤怒的时候,我都会感到一种魅力???? ——简爱对罗切斯特说

当我们无缘无故挨打的时候,我们应该狠狠地回击;我肯定我们应该回击—狠狠地回击,教训教训打我们的那个人,叫他永远不敢再这样打人。 ——敢爱敢恨的简爱





在我看来,生命太短促,不能用来记忆仇恨。在人世间,我们人人都有一身罪过,而且不可能不是这样;但是我相信,不久就会有这么一天,我们摆脱了腐朽的躯壳,也就摆脱了这些罪过,堕落和罪孽就会跟着我们的累赘的血肉之躯离开我们,只剩下精神的火花—生命和思想的无形原则,纯洁得就像当初它离开造物主来使万物具有生命的时候一样;它从哪儿来,还回到哪儿去;说不定又进入一种比人更高的生物—说不定按着荣耀的品味上升,从苍白的人类灵魂升华到光明的大天使! ——海伦说







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[摘 要] 作为英国文学史上一部经典之作,《简爱》自问世以来,一直有着经久不衰的的魅力。它成功的塑造了一个经典的、优秀的妇女形象,敢于争取平等和自由,有着不屈的反抗精神。简爱这个人物形象一直备受读者的喜爱和推崇,今天重读简爱,对其曲折感人、可歌可泣的爱情故事和饱受磨难的生活经历进行解读,我们能够看出,简爱的心理历程是理智和情感交织的,而正是有着矛盾纠结、挫折复杂的情感经历,才让他最终获得了的高尚而完美的爱情。

[关键词] 情感;理智;《简爱》








Beauty in Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is an inspiring novel to us. Its beauty not only lays on its language, but also exists in the characteristic of Jane.

Firstly, I’m going to talk about the masterly language in the text. The text, told in the form of dialogue, included a lot of metaphor and contrast.

In the text, Mr. Rochester described himself as Vulcan ( blacksmith), the god of fire with an ugly look and disabled condition, while he described his rival in love—St. John as a graceful Apollo, who is pretty, intelligent and gentle. He thought Jane as sky-lark who could bring sunshine and pleasure to him. Regarding himself as an old lightning-struck chestnut-tree, he saw Jane as a budding woodbine, which was fresh, fragrant and energetic. Through Mr. Rochester’s self-description and narrative, we can conclude that he lost confidence in himself because of his poor condition and he thought he cannot match with excellent Jane. He was self-abased in front of the fine St. John and he did not want to force Jane to make sacrifice to stay with him. He regarded their love as unequal.

On contrast, what did Jane think about Mr. Rochester? Jane regarded Mr. Rochester “a royal eagle, chained to a perch, should be forced to entreat a sparrow to become its purveyor.” She did hold sympathy to Mr. Rochester, but her adoration was more than that because she thought that royal eagle, although getting injured, still remained its charm and temperament. In the latter part of the text, Jane comforted Mr. Rochester that he was a green, vigorous tree and she described herself as plant that have to lean on the tree to grow. Jane said she was a sparrow and a plant, while Mr. Rochester was an eagle and a tree, which reflected that Mr. Rochester was outstanding and excellent in her eyes. We can also conclude that in Jane’s deep mind, she also thought Mr. Rochester was better than her, and maybe she could not match with him.

The metaphor and contrast used in the text gives us a clear view of the mental activity taken place in two people’s hearts and they make the context more vivid and interesting, attracting potential readers. So the

beauty of language is enlightening to us in our writing skills that sometimes we can use metaphor and contrast to extend our thesis.

Secondly, what worth our attention was Jane’s intelligence. Through the conversation taken place in the text, Jane gave us a deep impression about her intelligence and her outstanding EQ. First, Jane told Rochester about her experiences and mentioned St. John, a person that would be “immediately taken up” when she finished. So she furthered her description about St. John to let “jealousy got hold of him(Rochester)”, though she was in a kind will that to move Rochester’s attention from his disabled body. Then she stated the fact that she and St. John was not true love in order to calm down Rochester. Furthermore, she used a metaphor to comfort Rochester that he was a green and vigorous tree to express his importance to her, that she cannot live without him. In the final part, Jane expressed her mind that she did not really care about the poor condition of Rochester, what she love was his soul, rather than his wealth or appearance. She suggested that their love was equal and they could match with each other. Through such processes, the sad Rochester cheered up and was inspired.

The art of Jane’s speaking was both considerate and predominant, which reflected her clear mind, strong determination, and admiring courage. She tested how much Rochester loves her and at the same time she showed her determination and loyalty to him. She governed this relationship. And we can also learn that the love she pursued was based on mutual understanding and admiration, and physical factor cannot destroy it. Her persistent characteristic encourages her to follow her heart and insist on her principle.

Jane’s beauty is her persistent, her simplicity, her intelligence and her consideration. And the story told us that beauty was a virtue, a kind of excellence. It is not only significant in the old times, but also enlightening in nowadays. I think the differences between us and Jane is that she can keep herself clam toward wealth, while we will be affected by it; she can stand out to pursue what she want, while we prefer to stand back in a safe place; she will insist her choice ignoring gossip, while we will be afraid and be defeated by it.
