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童话故事的女主角 The Heroines in Fairy Tales

来源:76范文网 | 时间:2019-10-10 14:16:46 | 移动端:童话故事的女主角 The Heroines in Fairy Tales
童话故事的女主角 The Heroines in Fairy Tales 关键词:童话故事,女主角,Heroines,Fairy,Tales
童话故事的女主角 The Heroines in Fairy Tales 摘 要:Whenwewereverysmall,ourparentswouldbuyusalotofstorybooks.Ontheonehand,thebookshttp://WWw.bagEw.Com/couldhelpustocultivateourinterest,ontheotherhand,we
童话故事的女主角 The Heroines in Fairy Tales 详细内容:
When we were very small, our parents would buy us a lot of story books. On the one hand, the books http://WWw.bagEw.Com/ could help us to cultivate our interest, on the other hand, we could learn a lot. As a girl, I always imagine myself being one of the heroines, protected by the world. Snow White and Cinderella are very classic heroines, who are saved by the princes and live the happy life. But as I grow up, I am not agree with these girls. They are just too negative to life, especially Cinderella, she doesn"t make any effort, just waiting for the prince to save her. Today, everybody should make efforts to chase for their dreams.

童话故事的女主角 The Heroines in Fairy Tales  来源:网络整理


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