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来源:建材加盟网 | 时间:2017-05-01 15:28:47 | 移动端:百年孤独英语读后感


Book Review of the《One Hundred Years of Solitude》

This month,I have been reading a famous book which is written by a famed Colombian writer who won the Nobel Prize in literature in 1982 because of his great and positive influence on the Latin American literature circle.This book is called 《One Hundred Years of Solitude》which is in the style of magic realism,a writing skill combines the reality and fantasy.In order to know what the book tells and expresses roudly,I firstly read the Chinese version and then to the English version.I feel myself sagacious for I have done this.And before I come to write some of my thoughts,I have to say that this book is so complex that almost everyone called the same names and you can’t predict accurately anyone’s future because he might dies or be insane,or even has a sex with his aunt or his bigger brother’s mistress and then have a baby who will also be called the same name as the baby‘s father all of a sudden.But as you go on reading,because of the fancinating ,compact structure and fancy writing skill,you will be addicted to imgining all the characters in your mind and chat with them and then gradually touch the deepest and softest part of their hearts to feel their eternal solitude.Surely you will feel sory to all of them and understand their crazy actions are all forced by the fearful


During this period,the Buendías goes from prosperity to decay and everyone dies with solitude.This family includes seven generations and everyone is willing to adventure and full of passion,but they don’t like having a heart-to-heart talk and they release pressure only through sex .It is said that this book shows the sruggle and loneliness of Latin America and the Macondo Town is actually a epitome of Latin America.For a long time,people in Latin America constantly started the civil wars and fought with their compatriots and many of them are fooled by ridiculious religion,so that these areas are still poor and underdeveloped and are like pathetic children abandoned by all other countries.This is a country’s and history’s solitude.So this book gains a lot of admiration and agreement from the people of Latin America.And weappreciate García Márquez for he gives us a way to know these people and strikes a chord with people from other underdeveloped country like us.

But actually for me,I can’t force myself to believe this book is a review or reminiscences of the 100-year history of Latin America.I prefer to regard it as an instructive and meaningful book which gives us guidance and warning to avoid being lonely and isolated.

When we probe into this book deeper and wonder why everyone lives so lamentably,we can see that it is not just because of the short of supplies or the lack of status and fame.If so,the book would not be praised but on the contrary it would be criticized to be superficial and na?ve.In fact, García Márquez points that the real solitude is from fate and death.It is just like everyone called Aurelian in the Buendías are always composed and calm but in the end will all become callous and indifferenced to all other things.People who fight with fate and want to live another lives ,but finally fail look like flying leaves in the windy sky,which can’t control where to stop but move froward by the force of wind.Then you will feel nobody really knows you and your life is setted long time ago by the fate and the only thing you can do is to beobedient to it and try to admit that you can’t do anything,even to change a little.Is is real loneliness.When you feel you are separated from the outside world and your world only has youself,even though you are given plenty of money and luxury,you will not be happy and think you are rich.The solitude from the bottom of your heart will last forever and nothing that comes from material world can influence it.

I have seen many good-educated men work as civil servants,at first they have a lot of goals and they are full of energy to finish their tasks and try to achieve their dreams.But when they realise that the society has its rules and it is just like a game,in which you might win if you stay for a long time in a field to be a qualificated old man.They can’t accept the fact that your future is not gained by the struggle and hard work but your ages and the mood of your superior.When people can’t see their future,it is just like the fate fools them,and they might be depressed and indulge themselves.When people don’t know the way of their life,they will be surrounded bt the solitude.I think it is why many civil servants think they live meaningless and want to quit

In the meanwhile I read carefully and try to find the solution to this kind of solitude. And the answer that author gives is hiding among the sentences.What I can only find is that the Buendías try to connect with outside world,they try to go through swamp but fail.And then the town doesn’t contact other towns anymore.I think this is the point that to not be lonely,you should learn and know more knowledge and news.Maybe this is a little bit difficult.In short,if you are knowledgeable and have the desire to learn more,you will not

only get rid of solitude,but also gain respect and friendship.If the author as continued to discover outside world,they would not be blind because of ignorant.So do we.

The real solitude is come from being fatuous.When you feel there is no more fun in the world and you can’t control yourself to be crazy to do ridiculous things,your will feel the solitude arising from the bottom of your heart. You are lack of the reverence for the world,so you look down upon everything and do things at your will.But you know,the more you appear to be dissolute,the more lonely you will feel for yourself.

So maybe we should be friend with books and magazines.Try to know more about the things you don’t know but you should know or want to know.Try another way of doing one same thing and compare this two’s advantages and disadvantages.Think more often and find the truth.To be a child to wonder why wind blows,why birds fly and why sun rises.Everyday in your life will be a new and interesting day even if you don’t have any fere.You will sleep and live with knowledge.In the meantime,when you have a husband or wife,the life can’t be more perfect!And if the nation contacts with others and does not close its windows through which it can see the whole world,it will never feel being lost by the world.On the contrary,it will hold its future





Keres musicians shells than in the wild after a night of cello割腕suicide, read shameless a metamorphosis, but in order to own their own sister is also a rival mortuary woven clothing, read the seventeenth a small escaped down for decades, but his family out, and ultimately can not escape the fate of his forehead was crucified, read the compartment filled with 200 dead bodies were dumped into the sea ... will be surprised, after the beginning of the difficult sections, wrote here already earned dripping, as if Marquez was

done in not more than ten years of creative silence temper seamless all the circumstances, all the emotion in this moment can not be inhibited. I seem to feel that they live in a dark tunnel, the face of a seemingly all-knowing the old woman, said his back, so many soul-stirring story in a calm tone in. You are the circumstances of each shock, but you can clearly vague in fact all the things have been doomed, it seems that everyone is towed by a line with no deviation from the track. She occasionally revealed some signs of fate, such as Pilar? Carex Lena cards for fortune-telling, the proofing premonition of death, the Sanskrit parchment ciphertext; However, the fate implied by those sober people think of Dan as a crazy language and balderdash, and those who really get sober but it is more despair and suffering immense - they found that their loneliness and suffering is inevitable, no matter whether you try to fight all and could not shake off the despair and misery. Reading reading, you will be pessimistic about the idea of such a defeat would is the wish of life, the fate of all could not change it so do not live it? What is the meaning of life? How to get out of this lonely fate? When I finally finished reading this book, after the close of the idea is only going outside to breathe some fresh air; I need to prove himself to face the sun in fact, done just a nightmare. While going out, I looked at the sky outside, also can not remember how the morning or afternoon in the end, but still

feel very lucky, really is a relief, awoke from a nightmare in the sense of a territory to escape death Fortunately, a kind of joy survivors.

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" and the most impressive family who are lonely. Lonely has become the emblem of the family, as they take the risk inherent in the blood, impulsive, courageous and unyielding, as well as the high genetic cheekbone, as well as bones hidden deep desire of luan lun. This is different from the medieval aristocracy alone the kind of "noble and melancholy," as Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice Antonio, it is not in the gorgeous living room, walking with measured steps sigh Life is short, the withered rose; not use angels Li heads down review of the situation and volatile world,. It is one of the world body bleak despair, is inferior, and humble, there is a thick gray depression, there is a kind of bleak humor. This is an excellent shape and depression, it is unable to escape or even to mitigate.



第一次读《百年孤独》的感觉,作者用一代一代的“布恩蒂亚”和匪夷所思的故事让我陷入了一种无可形容的离奇状态中,我觉得当时有克里希那穆提所说的“全观”的境界,完全入定。家族中每一个人的灵魂都如此孤独 所以才不断的用爱情对抗孤独 殊不知只能愈发落寞 于是便在肉体中寻求充盈自我的灵魂 而一切都是徒劳的 一切都有自己的轨迹 孤独是布恩迪亚家族唯一的传承 一切早已注定 六代人的盛衰无常 幽幽暗暗 早在羊皮卷上 只是等待时刻将它破译,所谓孤零零指的不是周围的人口密度,而是指个人的精神层面了。就算别人离你再近,要是不能感觉和自己是同一种生物,那么干涸的心也得不到满足。

它揭示着人是多么不完美,不然为什么每看几页就要往回翻:这人物是谁啊? 刚刚开始我读不懂家族关系,又是一种前所未有的叙述手法,人名是几个字节不断重复组合,而且西班牙的人名又很长,所以才觉得繁杂所以我可以理一下家族关系,家谱图什么的,或者干脆把每个名字当作个体读下去,反正都是一样孤独的灵魂。但是读完一段过一会总会忘记刚刚梳理好的关系。





