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come into being的汉语是什么意思【优秀2篇】

来源:圆零范文网 | 时间:2022-12-06 17:01:45 | 移动端:come into being的汉语是什么意思【优秀2篇】


短语come into being的用法相对简单的,前提是要知道它的汉语意思。下面是小编辛苦为大家带来的come into being的汉语是什么意思【优秀2篇】,在大家参照的同时,也可以分享一下白话文给您最好的朋友。

篇一:come into being的汉语是什么意思 篇一

come into being的汉语意思

英[km ntu bi:];美[km ntu bi]





We do not know when this world came into being.


come into being的单语例句

1、Xu said the card is now being tested on a new Nokia mobile phone,but he didn't indicate when it might come into use.

2、Since then,a series of monitoring measures have come into being.

3、With overseas returnees adjusting their mentality to a more suitable position,a balanced employment supply and demand will come into being.

4、They are an important form of the soft laws and are usually experimental and often come into being before the hard law.

5、In addition,the oceanic satellite series will come into being soon.

6、Thus a green screen protecting Beijing and Tianjing has come into being basically.

7、We live in an area of Beijing that has essentially come into being as an urban community over the past 15 years.

8、With the constant development and integration of the economic and financial system in Asian countries,a vibrant Asian Bond Market will finally come into being.

9、Without the settlement of these problems,a middle class society will never come into being.

come into being的双语例句

1、In the first decade of the 21st century,the GNP will double that of the year 2000,the people will enjoy an even Better-to-do life and a more or less ideal socialist market economy will have come into Being


2、Information acquired by reading a tag on an asset or an individual,as well as those of other objects or individuals with which that asset or person may come into contact,and information from sensors situated in the area being monitored,are fed into the engine.


3、What has come into being in him was life,and the life was the light of all peo


4、A man who does not know what passion is will never know love,because love can come into being only when there is total self-abandonment.


5、Do you know how the differences between AE and BE come into being?


篇二:come into being的汉语是什么意思 篇二

come into being



be born or come into existence


come into being形成,产生,发生,出现

to come into being产生

in being活着的,现存的,现有的

being that因为

being as既然,由于…

come at拜见,攻击,达到,得到

come byv. 1、经过,从旁边走过 2、来串门,来访 3、得到,获得

come to1、共计 2、涉及 3、苏醒过来 4、被继承 5、达成 6、停住;下锚

come on to 1、开始;兴盛;2、对…轻薄,吃豆腐 [口语]调戏(某人);3、显得对(某人)动了情欲;挑动情欲:

come in on 参加,加入

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